All grapes packed for Origin Fruit Direct must be certified to GLOBALGAP and GRASP (or equivalent). GLOBALGAP is continuous certi fication. The minimum standard is all the prod uct supplied must be certified to the end of the products consumer shelf life (harvesting, transfer to UK, supply to customer, plus final consumer shelf life date). All varieties, farms and plots supplied must be grown and cer tified to GLOBALGAP. Origin Fruit Direct will not approve for use any product not certified to GLOBALGAP at point of sale. All High Risk countries must have a third party social au dit. Permitted standards arel BSCI, SA8000, Sedex SMETA, Fairtrade, Rainforest Alliance, SIZA, Fair For Life, Sustainably Grown, Natur land Fair, ECOCERT ESR Standard.

RESIDUES <100% EU MRL A maximum concentration of 100% of the ap plicable EU MRL is applied to each individual residue except when packing directly for a supermarket.

All product supplied must be produced un der a HACCP based system for food produc tion and food safety in accordance with EC 852/2004 hygiene of foodstuffs. With a fo cus ensuring the minimization of risk of con tamination to product and packaging, with the appropriate procedures and controls in place; • PHYSICAL : Physical; jewellery, glass, hard or brittle plastic, wood, paper, metal, pests (including spiders, spider webs, insects, crickets, cockroaches, snails, scorpions, snakes, frogs), machine parts, equipment or malicious foreign bodies contamina tion, not exhaustive. All product must be free from scissors, secateurs and knives, also free from scissor grease (which must have a known allergen status and not con tain allergens). • LIQUID ; water, diesel, lubricants or oil contamination • INTRUDERS OR STOWAWAYS and re sultant damage in containers. Efforts must be made to secure the vehicle storage compartment, especially when crossing

the channel from main land Europe, where practical and possible Calais cross should be avoided as this is a high-risk port. • CHEMICAL : Pesticide, Chemical, PGR, Fer tilizers, Cleaning Chemicals residues • BIOLOGICAL : Pathogenic bacteria or mi croorganisms, virus, yeasts, fungi; such as Botrytis, Penicillin • ALLERGENS : Sulphur Dioxide CROSS-CONTAMINATION • Cross-contamination from raw materials allergens eaten by personnel • Cross-contamination from allergens pro duced in the same site • Cross-contamination from allergens pres ent in the raw materials history PLEASE NOTE pest contamination notably Spider contamination is one of the most seri ous customer complaint issues and causes a great deal of distress to those who find them. Please make a particular effort to remove spi ders and spider webs from the product.


NON-CONFORMANCES will require a full investigation.

ORIGIN FRUIT DIRECT Table Grape Packing Protocol | 2023 / 2024


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