La Rochelle Yearbook 2023
Cultivate The definition of the word ‘cultivate’ is ‘ to acquire or develop a new skill ’ and that is exactly what the Larries were able to do on 21 July. An academic school day was replaced with workshops which were facilitated by several staff members and external guests. Die werkswinkels het ingesluit, onder andere: die aanleer van drukwerk as kuns; hoe om juwele en blommerangskikkings te maak; verskillende dansstyle te bemeester; sleutelhouers uit materiaal te maak; hoe om te
hekel; hoe om ’n gloeilamp te vervang; blootstelling aan die kookkuns en om kennis met ’n vreemde taal te maak. To end off the day, the Larries were exposed to the acting skill of clowning . The production, ‘ ’n Gek vir Jou ’ by Ané Koeglenberg and Christie van Niekerk, was filled with an abundance of humour and different ways of communicating using only body language. Dit was ’n dag gevul met hope pret, nuwe herinneringe en het voorwaar voldoen aan die definisie van die aanleer van nuwe vaardighede!
95 LAR
Me. Kirsty Nel
Cult ivat e
La Rochelle Hoër Meisieskool | Girls’ High School Paarl
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