La Rochelle Yearbook 2023

Annual Report

Staff At the beginning of 2023 we welcomed the following members of staff to the Larrie family: Mrs Cindy McFarlane (English) joined us as Head of Department. She previously taught at Paarl Boys’ High School for many years. Both Ms Rentia Saayman (Mathematics) and Mrs Jané du Toit (Afrikaans) joined us directly from university. Mrs Elzanne Strachan (EGD), a civil engineer, decided that teaching is her calling, and has become a Larrie on a permanent basis. Both Mss Leonie Maree (Sciences) and Madenique van Wyk (German/ French) have spent the year as interns with us. Ms Leani van der Merwe (Hockey) and former Larrie, Ms Mandy Hermanus (Netball) bolstered the sports office, while Mrs Lynique Beneke joined us as Athletics coach. She is also substituting for Mrs Strachan who is on maternity leave. The talented Mrs Melina Smit joined us in Term 4 as our new Head of Culture. We are looking forward to her contribution to take our culture to greater heights. Ons geliefde juffrou Marianna Schoeman tree na 42-jaar se diens aan La Rochelle af. Ons is dankbaar vir haar jarelange bydraes in die klaskamer en veral op atletiekgebied, en ons weet dat sy steeds die mees lojale Larrie-ondersteuner sal bly. Nog ’n legende, mnr. Gerhard Kroukamp, tree na 30 jaar by La Rochelle af. Hy was op vele terreine by die skool betrokke. By ons beraderspan groet ons vir mevv. Nazley Ferris en Sarah Scholtz, wat beide terugkeer na die privaatsektor. Ons is hulle baie dank verskuldig vir hul waardevolle bydraes tot die welwese van ons leerders. Thank you to Mrs Carol Cloete for running the Boutique@ Larries for many years. Mrs Liesie Barnard will take over from her in 2024. Babas was ook aan die orde van die dag! Mev. Elzanne Strachen (Wilmien) word ’n dogtertjie ryker en me. Mieta Soenies (Nova Grace) en Adéle Dun (Daniël) word geseën met kleinkinders. Dit is ook met baie swaar harte dat ons afskeid moes neem van mnr. Bertus Vos, eggenoot van mev. Christa Vos, wat op 1 Junie oorlede is. Vossie, soos die meeste van ons hom geken het, was een van La Rochelle se grootste ondersteuners en die Larrie-familie gaan hom beslis mis. In the hostel we celebrated the wedding of Geraldine Claassen and Averol Adonis, as well as that of Odwa Famana. At the school, Ms Leani van der Merwe became Mrs Leani Neethling. Achievements Mss Adéle Bothma and Wanri Venter and Mrs Leani Neethling served in the management team of the Boland Hockey Association. They organised very successful tournaments during the June holidays. We wish to thank them for their service to the community. Ms Wanri Venter umpired the finals at the Belgotex Elite Club Challenge and the Women’s Interprovincial Tournament . She also umpired at the FIH Pro League Hockey Tournament in London, where teams representing Great Britain and Belgium (men and women), India (men), and China (women) participated. She has also been selected to umpire at the Women’s Olympic qualifier in China in January 2024 and the Paris Olympics in July 2024. Mev. Leani Neethling kwalifiseer vir ’n Nasionale Vlak 2 in hokkie-afrigting, asook ’n Nasionale Skeidsregting Vlak

Beste personeel, leerders, ouers en vriende van La Rochelle Dit is my voorreg om verslag te lewer oor die bedrywighede van 2023. Dankie aan mev. Karin Leibbrandt wat ons op reis neem met die keurige samestelling van hierdie jaarblad. First and foremost, I wish to assure you that La Rochelle Girls’ High School is flourishing. Our commitment to providing a nurturing environment and quality education for young women remains unwavering. The traditions and values that have shaped La Rochelle over 163 years are still held in high regard and continue to guide us as we navigate the evolving educational landscape. The traditions that make La Rochelle unique are wisely preserved. We ensure that all our annual events and the time-honoured customs, such as the School Birthday Song and the interhouse competitions, are not only supported and followed, but cherished by the current generation of learners. The spirit of camaraderie and sisterhood that has characterised La Rochelle for decades still creates a supportive and inclusive community where each learner is able to blossom. Gedurende 2023 is daar ook met nuwe tradisies begin. Die eerste Blomplaas-atletiekbyeenkoms was ’n groot sukses. Dit is ’n geleentheid waar die meisies van La Rochelle en die seuns van Boland Landbouskool in drie kleurgroepe, naamlik ’n wit-, navy/swart- en geelspan ingedeel is en teen mekaar deelgeneem het. Nie net was dit groot pret nie, maar die standaard van atletiek was uitstekend. Die Cultivate-kultuurdag , het ook vir die tweede keer in 2023 plaasgevind. Another new addition saw the pleated skirt, long pants and gumboots being introduced to the winter school uniform. Ons bring tydens ’n spesiale saalbyeenkoms hulde aan ’n legende, ons oud-skoolhoof mej. D.C. le Roux (juffrou Daisy, 09/02/1932 – 16/09/2022). The school converted to the ‘ d6 connect ’ system in order to have academic reporting, communication and finances on one platform and to streamline access to important school information. From 27 April – 1 May, 75 learners and 15 staff members and coaches attended the All Girls’ Schools’ Festival , hosted by Eunice Girls’ High School in Bloemfontein. This annual event is one of the biggest schools’ festivals in the country with 23 of South Africa’s top girls’ schools taking part. The cultural activities included art, creative writing, debating, Master Chef, public speaking, drama, and vocal ensemble. The sporting activities involved chess, cross country, squash, tennis, hockey, and netball.


La Rochelle Hoër Meisieskool | Girls’ High School

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