La Rochelle Yearbook 2023

Hoër Meisieskool / Girls’ High School



NR 117


Oscars ........................................................................................45 Flag ceremony ..........................................................................46 Matriekdinee .............................................................................47 Koshuisgange ............................................................................48 Academic Prestige evening .....................................................50 Prysuitdeling .............................................................................53 Grade 11 ....................................................................................68 Grade 11 camp .........................................................................70 Graad 11 Winterbal .................................................................71 Grade 10 ....................................................................................72 Grade 10 Dance ........................................................................74 Graad 9 ......................................................................................75 Graad 9 Kamp ..........................................................................77 Grade 8 ......................................................................................78 Grade 8 Orientation .................................................................80 Graad 8 Atletiek ........................................................................81 Grade 8 Swimming ..................................................................82 Graad 8 Baadjieseremonie ......................................................83 Grade 8 Fruit festival ...............................................................84 Student Council ........................................................................86 White tea ...................................................................................88 Leierskamp / 2024 Leiers .......................................................89 Father & Daughter evening .....................................................90 RCL ............................................................................................91 Mother & daughter picnic .......................................................92 Valentines Day & Dance ..........................................................94 Cultivate ....................................................................................95 Service clubs .............................................................................96 Societies ...................................................................................102 Musical – Dirty Dancing .......................................................114 Atletiek .....................................................................................115 Cross Country .........................................................................120 Swimming ...............................................................................122 Netball .....................................................................................124 Hokkie .....................................................................................129 Muurbal ...................................................................................133 Chess ........................................................................................134 Tennis ......................................................................................135 Equestrian ...............................................................................136 Alumni .....................................................................................138 Vandag is ’n goeie dag om ’n Larrie te wees .......................139 All Girls’ Festival ....................................................................140 Farewell Message – Mev. E. Conradie .................................142 Sponsors ..................................................................................144

Annual Report .............................................................................2 Governing Body .........................................................................12 Personeel ....................................................................................13 Congratulations A-candidates 2022 .......................................16 Matrieks & Personeel ................................................................17 Larries Graad 1-12 ....................................................................17 Message from the Head Girl ....................................................18 Message from the Deputy Head Girl ......................................20 Miladies & Daisies .....................................................................24 40 Days .......................................................................................25 Valedictory .................................................................................26 Uitstapdag ..................................................................................27 Matric Farewell ..........................................................................28 Grade 12 Register classes .........................................................30 Ontluikende Skrywers ..............................................................34 Budding Authors .......................................................................36 Art ...............................................................................................38 Koshuis .......................................................................................40 Hostel Headgirl .........................................................................42 Koshuis-onderhoofmeisie ........................................................43 Cake & Body ...............................................................................44



REDAKTEUR: Mev. Karin Leibbrandt PROEFLEES: Mev. Lynette Neethling

PHOTOS: Mia Rossouw, Nicole Whitfield, Helena Louw, Mila Malherbe, Ronel Strauss, Layla Wagner, Kelly Hill, Elena Krizinger, Larike Schmidt, Lizelle Lötter, Gerda Barnard, Wanri Venter, mevv. Karin Leibbrandt, Tracy Meyer, Lida Hendrikse, Leani Neethling, Nicky Albertyn, Marli Slabbert, Amber-Leigh Witbooi, Nina Carstens, Pics Crew, Mood Photography, Mnre Nico de Wit, Jacques Philander, Gerhard Kroukamp DESIGN AND PRODUCTION: Avant Garde South Africa | 021-863 3165 PRINTING: Tandym Print | 021 505-4200

La Rochelle Hoër Meisieskool | Girls’ High School Paarl

Annual Report

Staff At the beginning of 2023 we welcomed the following members of staff to the Larrie family: Mrs Cindy McFarlane (English) joined us as Head of Department. She previously taught at Paarl Boys’ High School for many years. Both Ms Rentia Saayman (Mathematics) and Mrs Jané du Toit (Afrikaans) joined us directly from university. Mrs Elzanne Strachan (EGD), a civil engineer, decided that teaching is her calling, and has become a Larrie on a permanent basis. Both Mss Leonie Maree (Sciences) and Madenique van Wyk (German/ French) have spent the year as interns with us. Ms Leani van der Merwe (Hockey) and former Larrie, Ms Mandy Hermanus (Netball) bolstered the sports office, while Mrs Lynique Beneke joined us as Athletics coach. She is also substituting for Mrs Strachan who is on maternity leave. The talented Mrs Melina Smit joined us in Term 4 as our new Head of Culture. We are looking forward to her contribution to take our culture to greater heights. Ons geliefde juffrou Marianna Schoeman tree na 42-jaar se diens aan La Rochelle af. Ons is dankbaar vir haar jarelange bydraes in die klaskamer en veral op atletiekgebied, en ons weet dat sy steeds die mees lojale Larrie-ondersteuner sal bly. Nog ’n legende, mnr. Gerhard Kroukamp, tree na 30 jaar by La Rochelle af. Hy was op vele terreine by die skool betrokke. By ons beraderspan groet ons vir mevv. Nazley Ferris en Sarah Scholtz, wat beide terugkeer na die privaatsektor. Ons is hulle baie dank verskuldig vir hul waardevolle bydraes tot die welwese van ons leerders. Thank you to Mrs Carol Cloete for running the Boutique@ Larries for many years. Mrs Liesie Barnard will take over from her in 2024. Babas was ook aan die orde van die dag! Mev. Elzanne Strachen (Wilmien) word ’n dogtertjie ryker en me. Mieta Soenies (Nova Grace) en Adéle Dun (Daniël) word geseën met kleinkinders. Dit is ook met baie swaar harte dat ons afskeid moes neem van mnr. Bertus Vos, eggenoot van mev. Christa Vos, wat op 1 Junie oorlede is. Vossie, soos die meeste van ons hom geken het, was een van La Rochelle se grootste ondersteuners en die Larrie-familie gaan hom beslis mis. In the hostel we celebrated the wedding of Geraldine Claassen and Averol Adonis, as well as that of Odwa Famana. At the school, Ms Leani van der Merwe became Mrs Leani Neethling. Achievements Mss Adéle Bothma and Wanri Venter and Mrs Leani Neethling served in the management team of the Boland Hockey Association. They organised very successful tournaments during the June holidays. We wish to thank them for their service to the community. Ms Wanri Venter umpired the finals at the Belgotex Elite Club Challenge and the Women’s Interprovincial Tournament . She also umpired at the FIH Pro League Hockey Tournament in London, where teams representing Great Britain and Belgium (men and women), India (men), and China (women) participated. She has also been selected to umpire at the Women’s Olympic qualifier in China in January 2024 and the Paris Olympics in July 2024. Mev. Leani Neethling kwalifiseer vir ’n Nasionale Vlak 2 in hokkie-afrigting, asook ’n Nasionale Skeidsregting Vlak

Beste personeel, leerders, ouers en vriende van La Rochelle Dit is my voorreg om verslag te lewer oor die bedrywighede van 2023. Dankie aan mev. Karin Leibbrandt wat ons op reis neem met die keurige samestelling van hierdie jaarblad. First and foremost, I wish to assure you that La Rochelle Girls’ High School is flourishing. Our commitment to providing a nurturing environment and quality education for young women remains unwavering. The traditions and values that have shaped La Rochelle over 163 years are still held in high regard and continue to guide us as we navigate the evolving educational landscape. The traditions that make La Rochelle unique are wisely preserved. We ensure that all our annual events and the time-honoured customs, such as the School Birthday Song and the interhouse competitions, are not only supported and followed, but cherished by the current generation of learners. The spirit of camaraderie and sisterhood that has characterised La Rochelle for decades still creates a supportive and inclusive community where each learner is able to blossom. Gedurende 2023 is daar ook met nuwe tradisies begin. Die eerste Blomplaas-atletiekbyeenkoms was ’n groot sukses. Dit is ’n geleentheid waar die meisies van La Rochelle en die seuns van Boland Landbouskool in drie kleurgroepe, naamlik ’n wit-, navy/swart- en geelspan ingedeel is en teen mekaar deelgeneem het. Nie net was dit groot pret nie, maar die standaard van atletiek was uitstekend. Die Cultivate-kultuurdag , het ook vir die tweede keer in 2023 plaasgevind. Another new addition saw the pleated skirt, long pants and gumboots being introduced to the winter school uniform. Ons bring tydens ’n spesiale saalbyeenkoms hulde aan ’n legende, ons oud-skoolhoof mej. D.C. le Roux (juffrou Daisy, 09/02/1932 – 16/09/2022). The school converted to the ‘ d6 connect ’ system in order to have academic reporting, communication and finances on one platform and to streamline access to important school information. From 27 April – 1 May, 75 learners and 15 staff members and coaches attended the All Girls’ Schools’ Festival , hosted by Eunice Girls’ High School in Bloemfontein. This annual event is one of the biggest schools’ festivals in the country with 23 of South Africa’s top girls’ schools taking part. The cultural activities included art, creative writing, debating, Master Chef, public speaking, drama, and vocal ensemble. The sporting activities involved chess, cross country, squash, tennis, hockey, and netball.


La Rochelle Hoër Meisieskool | Girls’ High School



Top Performing Western Cape Schools


Mev. Marianna Schoeman

Mev. Sarah Scholtz

Me. Nazley Ferris


Mev. Dun se kleinseun – Daniël

Wilmien Strachan

Mev. Lynique Beneke

Mev. Melina Smit

Mnr. & Mev. Neethling

4. Sy tree ook op as skeidsregter by die Senior Interprovinsiale-toernooi, waar sy die semi-finaal skeidsreg. Ms Mandy Hermanus has been a Southern Stings semi-professional Netball player since 2018 and

has been the recipient of numerous Player of the Match awards. Mr Morné van Tonder was a member of the coaching team of the Maties Netball Team that won the University Sport of South Africa Championships and which played in the finals of the Varsity Cup . Me Madri Gerber is ’n lid van die bekende akapella groep, “ 8 Misses Croon ”, wat onder andere, by die Kalfiefees , asook in die Kaapstad-stadsaal optree. As begeleidster van die wêreldbekende Tygerberg Kinderkoor behaal hulle by die Wêreld-koorspele in Hull, Engeland, ’n tweede plek in die gewyde musiekafdeling en ’n goue medalje in die kinderkoorafdeling. Ms Kirsty Nel graduated BA (Honours) in Psychology and has been selected for a Masters in Educational Psychology at Stellenbosch University in 2024. Mnr. Quinton Meades is genooi om drie van die Solidariteit Skoleondersteuningsentrum se kongresse by te woon, naamlik die WIRTEK (STEAM)-kongres, Ouma Mieta & Nova Grace

Mnr. Quinton Meades

Skool se verjaarsdag

Nuwe Personeel 2023

La Rochelle Hoër Meisieskool | Girls’ High School Paarl

Annual Report

Beginneronderwyserkongres , asook die Nasionale Kongres . Hier bied hy sessies aan oor Klaskamerbestuur in die Senior- en VOO-fase, Informele Assessering en Refleksie in Fisiese Wetenskappe , asook Infasering van Koderingprojekte met micro:bit . Hy werk ook tans saam met die SOS aan ’n Geïntegreerde Leerervaringe Gids vir onderwysers. Ons opvoeders reik ook uit na ons gemeenskap. Opvoeders wat deel is van die WKOD se BOT (Back-On-Track )- program is mevv. Soné Ackerman, Monika Burger, Anél Bergh, Cindy McFarlane, Tracy Meyer, Thereza Landman en me Nadene van Aswegen. Instandhouding en Infrastruktuur Saam met die normale instandhouding is balkonne in die koshuis weer waterdig gemaak. The consequences of load shedding during school hours have been far-reaching. Teachers are often literally left in the dark, as their lesson plans are disrupted. This has had a negative effect on their morale, as they spend hours preparing lessons, using new techniques and technology. The generator which the hostel had been using for the past ten years, started becoming faulty during May. The school, however, was proactive and implemented an energy audit/ load profile in March in order to investigate energy-saving measures. The School Governing Body decided to address the problems of load shedding during academic time and the malfunctioning hostel generator. The solution to the problems required an infrastructure upgrade to facilitate the consolidation of the four existing Low Voltage supply points into a single Low Voltage bulk point of supply. It also included the installation of new cable and kiosk infrastructure to accommodate the single bulk point and simultaneously safe-guard the current non-conforming emergency measures. A new fuel-efficient, silent diesel generator, nicknamed ‘ Jennifer ’ by the staff, was installed, so as to minimise noise pollution for staff and learners. Ander instandhoudingsprojekte by die skool sluit die volgende veranderinge in: Die personeelkamer by kamer 2 word ’n addisionele klaskamer; die administrasiekantore word die tydelike personeelkamer (langs kamer 19); die prefekkamer word die sport- en bemarkingskantoor; die ou snoepie onder die trap by die ysterhek word die prefekkamer; die houtvloere op die boonste verdieping van die hoofgebou word afgeskuur; die mansbadkamer en die kombuis in die Leersentrum word opgeknap; die gimnasium onder die En Avant word in ’n stoorruimte vir die verskillende sportkodes omskep. Die skool word deur ’n privaatbesigheid genader om padelbane by Du Toitstraat op te rig, wat die leerders van La Rochelle gratis kan gebruik. Nadat die ou Hyundai -voertuig van die skool in ’n ongeluk betrokke was, word dit vir ’n nuwe sewe-sitplek Mitsubishi Xspander ingeruil, om sodoende koshuis-, tennis- en ander leerders in die middae te vervoer. Die Beheerliggaam bepaal dat nege addisionele klaskamers benodig word. Die projek word deur mnr. Jean Nortier bestuur. Die planne word opgetrek en die kostes word bepaal. Die bouwerk sal egter eers ’n aanvang neem nadat goedkeuring deur die WKOD verleen word.

Academics We are delighted to share with you that La Rochelle continues to maintain an excellent academic standard. Our dedicated teachers employ a balanced approach, combining traditional pedagogical methods with innovative e-learning techniques to ensure our learners receive a complete education. The commitment to both time-honoured and modern teaching practices allows our learners to develop a comprehensive set of skills and knowledge, in order to prepare them for the challenges of the future. We are proud of our school’s ongoing efforts to provide the best education possible. Die matrieks van 2022 maak ons trots. Die 106 kandidate handhaaf ’n 100%-slaagsyfer met ’n klasgemiddeld van 75,3% en ’n B-graad-toelating van 99%. Sewe-en dertig kandidate behaal ’n gemiddeld van 80% of meer. By die Wes-Kaap onderwysdepartement se 2022 nasionale senior eindeksamen-toekennings by Leeuwenhof, word La Rochelle 12de in die provinsie geplaas. By die SOS se Top 20-toekennings eindig La Rochelle 9de landwyd in die afdeling “ meeste onderskeidings per getal kandidate ”, met 342 onderskeidings (3,23 per leerder). Onderskeie vakprestasies landwyd is as volg: Afrikaans Huistaal (4de), Engels Eerste Addisionele Taal (6de), Lewenswetenskappe (7de), Wiskundige Geletterdheid (13de) en Fisiese Wetenskappe (15de). Baie geluk aan ons gesamentlike DUX leerders, Elsje-Mari Louw en Zoë Vassilatos, wat albei spog met ’n gemiddeld van 94%! The Academic Prestige Awards Evening took place in the En Avant on 26 January. During this event, the Matrics of 2022 were honoured for their excellent results in the NSC Examinations and the current Grades 9 – 12 learners were awarded honorary colours for academic achievements. Other academic achievements include: La Rochelle sent and received exchange students from two of South Africa’s most successful exchange agencies, FSA Youth Exchange and GROW Abroad , who provide not only our learners, but also exchange students from abroad, with a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Anna Bierbaum (Gr. 10) from Ochtrup, Germany, started her exchange programme in Gr. 9 in 2022, which she completed in June this year. During the June/July school holidays, two Gr. 11s, namely Catherine Brandt and Liza Jacobs, left on their German exchange programmes to Gelnhausen and Bad Kreuznacht respectively. Angelica Maragna (Gr. 11) from Canda in Italy joined us to complete her six-month exchange programme and Jil-Nova Maass (Gr. 10) from Hamburg, Germany, decided to complete the last chapter of her exchange programme at La Rochelle in the fourth term. Mari Joubert (Gr. 10) will undertake an exchange programme to Germany during December 2023, where Jil-Nova will return the favour by being her host. Bianca van der Walt publiseer twee gedigte en drie kortverhale in die bundel “ Inkspraak ” in Augustus en Amelie Ferreira behaal ’n derde plek in die opstelkompetisie by die All Girls’ Festival . Deelname aan Wiskunde Olimpiades en kompetisies help leerders om waardevolle vaardighede en kennis te ontwikkel, selfvertroue te bou en akademiese prestasies te verbeter. Dit is om hierdie rede dat ons leerders by La Rochelle aanmoedig om jaarliks vir verskeie Wiskunde-kompetisies in te skryf. Veertien leerders dring deur na die 2de rondte van die Old Mutual SA-Wiskunde Olimpiade . Verskeie leerders neem deel aan die UCT-Wiskunde Olimpiade . Hier neem


La Rochelle Hoër Meisieskool | Girls’ High School


Elan Steyl en Sophia Malan as een van die gr. 8-pare deel, en word hulle as een van die top 10-pare in hulle graad uitgenooi na die UCT-Wiskunde Uitdaging . English Olympiad: The De Beers English Olympiad comprised challenging literature texts which included William Blake, Elizabeth Barret Browning, T.S. Eliot and Charles Dickens. The workshops were well-attended. Our learners – two Gr. 11s and six Gr. 12s – worked diligently, and despite the hustle and bustle of Term 1, all passed the examination, obtaining three Merit, three Bronze and two Silver certificates. Mss Janie Slabbert and Madenique van Wyk, took 56 learners to Maynardville for the performance of William Shakespeare’s ‘ A Midsummer Night’s Dream ’. The Gr. 8 Home Language learners were encouraged to attend as the play was selected as the drama in their literature studies. Some senior learners also attended. The evening was thoroughly enjoyed by everyone. The Interschools’ Quiz on International Affairs (SAIIA) : Kelsey-Lee van Sitters, Nalene Visser, Logan Roux and Zahrah Docrat competed against 52 schools in the 31st annual Western Cape branch of the quiz, where their knowledge on international affairs was put to the test. After 10 days of intensive study of daily news, participants had to answer questions which were set by international affairs specialists, ranging from the BRICS summit, recent developments in Ukraine, Africa’s new free trade agreement, to environmental and energy issues. We are very proud of our team for finishing 10th. In March the Gr. 8 German learners had a Schulkarneval , where they dressed up as any character or animation figure they like, and brought a Schultüte for a friend they met in the German class during their first week. Die gr. 10-Gasvryheidstudiegroep besoek Hotel Verde , langs die Kaapstad Internasionale Lughawe en die gr. 11-Gasvryheidstudieleerders gaan op ’n uitstappie na die Mount Nelson Hotel in Kaapstad. Tourism: 25 Gr. 10 and 24 Gr. 11 learners were privileged to have their annual excursion to Cape Town on 2 November. Die gr. 9-leerders het op ’n kunsuitstappie die asemrowende “ Zeitz Mocaa ” besoek, waar hulle die uitstalling “ When we see us ”, besigtig. Die uitstalling bevat kunswerke wat oor die laaste 100 jaar geskep is en bestaan uit meer as 200 kunswerke van 74 institusionele en private leners wat in 26 lande geleë is. On 9 May, the Gr. 11 First Additional Language learners of Mesdames Luzanne Oosthuizen and Soné Ackerman embarked on an educational outing to the District Six Museum in Cape Town. The purpose of the visit – in conjunction with their reading of the novel ‘“ Buckingham Palace ”, District Six’ by Richard Rive – was to delve into the historical significance of District Six and gain a deeper understanding of the impact of Apartheid on the local community. CAT Olympiad: On 5 May, Gr. 11 and 12 CAT learners participated in the IITPSA CAT Olympiad. The aims of the Computer Olympiad are to identify, encourage and reward computer aptitude, promote and encourage computer studies and create an awareness of career opportunities in ICT. The following learners achieved Gold and were amongst the Top 7% of all learners countrywide: Frankie Montgomery, Iris Saunders,


Bianca van der Walt

Mej. Kirsty Nel

Gr 9-leerders by Zeitz Mocaa


Elsje-Mari Louw & Zoë Vassilatos


Avril & Geraldine

Odwa Famana

La Rochelle Hoër Meisieskool | Girls’ High School Paarl

Annual Report

Madison Pienaar (Murray). o/19: Beste Swemmer: Jeannette Müggenburg (Cillié). Algehele Wenner: Cillié. Die swemspan neem deel aan die Worcester-aflosgala ; die Frank Myburgh Twilight-gala ; Bloemhof-gala en op 28 Februarie is ons die gasvrou vir die 4M-swemgala. Dankie aan mev. Niená Lotter vir haar toewyding en ondersteuning aan die swemmers. Achievements: Western Cape B Championships: Mignon Burger, Adelmarie Barnard and Anmi Slabbert. South African Long Course National Championships: Lilianne Hebler (bronze and silver medals and full Western Province Colours). At the South African Schools’ Championships Lilianne received a bronze medal and also qualified for the South African National Championships in both Long and Short Course in 2024. Tweekamp Boland o/15: Mia van Zyl en Anmi Slabbert. Netbal Ons netbalspanne presteer goed by die HMS-netbalfees in Maart, sowel as die Bellville-netbaltoernooi in April. Die o/14A-, o/15A-, o/16A-, o/17A- en o/18A-span woon die Waterkloof-netbalfees van 31 Maart – 4 April by waar hulle uitstekend vaar. Gedurende die Aprilvakansie bied La Rochelle die eerste Fair Cape/Six Gun Grill-netbaltoernooi aan. Verskeie top spanne van regoor Suid-Afrika neem aan die toernooi deel en geniet dit terdëe. ’n Uitstaande kenmerk is die hoë standaard van die netbal wat gespeel is en die gasvryheid van die Larrie-mammas en -afrigters. Ons is baie trots op die o/18A-netbalspan wat vir die eerste keer na die Wildeklawer-netbaltoernooi uitgenooi is. Hulle het hulself uitstekend van hul taak gekwyt en agtste by die toernooi geëindig. Hulle behaal die 11de posisie op die SA Topskole-ranglys. Die o/14A- span behaal ’n tweede plek by die Kaapse Wynland en Wes-Kaap Topskole en eindig 4de by die SA-Topskole. Prestasies o/14 Kaapse Wynlandspan: Ninke Coetzee en Minette Retief. o/16 Kaapse Wynlandspan: Reechia Valentine en Christelle Greyling. o/18 Kaapse Wynlandspan: Hannah Kriel. We are extremely proud of Jade Atkins who was a member of the u/17 Western Cape Team, as well as being identified as one of the top 35 netball players in South Africa. She was also a member of the u/17 SA Fast Five Team and the u/17 SA Team which won a gold medal at the African Schools’ Tournament. She was also selected for the u/19 SA group, as well as the u/21 group to participate in the World Cup in 2024. Hockey The u/16A and u/18A Teams took part in the SPAR Challenge in March. The following tours and tournaments were attended during the April holidays: u/16B Nowan Cornelius Tournament at Hermanus High School (31 March – 3 April); u/16A Bloemhof Tournament (31 March – 1 April); u/18 Fairmont Easter Tournament (4 – 8 April); u/18B Strand Tournament (31 March – 1 April). Achievements: Boland u/14A, B & C: Tebello Keketsi, Lakeisha Dudley, Cassidy Arries, Caziah Joseph, Kara Landman, Lira Talker,

Marené Robertson, Lushané Ries and Sisca Joubert. Mrs Elsabé Conradie and four Larries were privileged to be part of Travel and Sport’s Academic Tours to the UK and USA, where they visited universities such as Cambridge, Oxford, Harvard, Yale, MIT and Princeton. Sport Atletiek Interhuis-atletiekbyeenkoms : o/14: Beste Baanatleet – Enya Binneman; Beste Veldatleet – Theresa Botha (albei van Murray); Veelsydigste Atleet – Ninke Coetze (Pride). o/15 (Cillié stap weg met al die pryse): Beste Baanatleet – Kylie Basson; Beste Veldatleet – Caitlyn Petzer; Veelsydigste Atleet – Layla Wagner. o/17: Beste Baanatleet: Kiera-Lee Abrahams en Mia Wilson (albei Cillié); Beste Veldatleet – Cornelia Destroo (De Villiers); Veelsydigste Atleet – Cara Wilson (Cillié). o/19: Beste Baanatleet – Juané le Roux (Pride) en Emily Williams (Cillié); Beste Veldatleet – Miclynn Afrika (Murray); Veelsydigste Atleet – Juané le Roux; Angie Petersen (Cillié) lewer die beste o/19-vertoning van die byeenkoms met haar 12.20s in die 100m; Algehele Wenner – Cillié. Die 4M-atletiekbyeenkoms vind op 22 Februarie te Coetzenburg plaas, met ’n ongekende Larrie-gees op die pawiljoen wat die atlete aangemoedig het. Angie Pietersen het die welverdiende Beste o/19-baanatleettrofee verower en Cornelia Destroo Beste o/17-veldatleet. Ons neem ook deel aan die volgende byeenkomste: HJS- en HMS-uitnodigings ; UWC/Fairmont Top 10-byeenkoms (1ste algeheel); Noord vs Suid Top 14-byeenkoms (2de dogterspan); Kwaggas Top 10-byeenkoms (1ste as dogterspan) en Curro Podium-streeksbyeekoms (2de dogterspan). Achievements A group of eight athletes (Enya Binneman, Zenade October, Cubin Marthinussen, Nina Scheepers, Mia and Cara Wilson, Kiera-Lee Abrahams and Kylie Basson) competed in the PENN Relay Carnival in Pennsylvania, USA. They made us proud by finishing 5th in their 4x100m heat and 3rd in their 4x400m heat, ending 15th overall out of 301 teams. Kiera Lee was placed 7th in the long jump event. A big thank you to André and Marna van den Burg for creating this amazing opportunity for our athletes. Members of the Boland Team at the Western Cape Championships: Zu-Marie Barnard, Minette Retief, Leyla Wagner, Laruschka du Plooy, Cornelia Destroo, Allison van Wyk, Emily Williams, Meakuh Cupido, Mia and Cara Wilson, Nina Scheepers, Zenade October, Anja Coetzee, Miclynn Africa, Ariana Sassoli, Nienke Coetzee, Enya Binneman, Kiera-Lee Abrahams, Kylie Basson, Angie Petersen. The Larries won 19 medals (10 gold, 4 silver and 5 bronze). Members of the Western Cape and ASA Teams: Mia and Cara Wilson, Nina Scheepers, Zenade October, Anja Coetzee, Miclynn Africa, Cornelia Destroo, Enya Binneman, Kiera-Lee Abrahams, Kylie Basson, Angie Petersen. Members of the SA Team: Miclynn Africa, Kiera Lee Abrahams, Kylie Basson, Angie Petersen. Swem Die Interhuis-swemgala vind op 31 Januarie plaas. o/14: Beste Swemmer: Lili Hebler (Cillié). o/16: Beste Swemmer:


La Rochelle Hoër Meisieskool | Girls’ High School


All Girls’

Anmi Slabbert & Mia van Zyl


Kwagga Top 10

Top 14 Atletiekspan


Hugenote Prestigebyeenkoms






Jade Atkins

Mej. Wanri Venter & Mev. Leani Neethling


Kylie Basson – Beste Baanatleet by Noord vs Suid byeenkoms

Jeanette Muggenburg

Me. Mandy Hermanus

Lilianne Hebler


Penn Relays

Tineke Louw en Amelie Pelham

Zhane Lubbe

La Rochelle Hoër Meisieskool | Girls’ High School Paarl

Annual Report

Talum Waries and Isla Williams. Western Cape u/14: Isabella Rennie. Boland u/16B: Corin Joseph and Ilke de Villiers. Boland u/18A & B: Johré Blommetjies and Cadey Becker. Regional u/18: Aimee Farmer. Squash Aimée du Preez accumulated the most points in the league, while Marli Liebenberg represented the Boland u/19 Junior Team at the Interprovincial Tournament. Equestrian Western Cape Team: Marli Liebenberg, Sophia Malan, Courtney Kypriotis, Emelda Kirsten. WP Junior A Team: Helena Louw. SA Nationals: Rebecca McCarthy. Helena Louw, Danelle Gallowitz and Corelie Coetzee competed in endurance races. Maggie Kritzinger, Nicolize van Zyl and Amoire van Zyl took part in show competitions, while Katharine Malan achieved two 1st places at a graded show-jumping competition. Skaak Die aantal leerders wat aan skaak deelneem vermeerder aansienlik. Zhané Lubbe neem aan die Sentraal Wynlande skaakkompetisie deel. Cross Country Mia van Zyl (girls u/14) took part in the Boland Cross Country Championships and finished in a worthy 11 th place. Tennis The First Team took part in the Marilie Moolman Tennis Tournament in Cradock. Achievement Boland Cavaliers Tennis Team: Amelie Pelham, Tineke Louw and Jordan Armstrong. Buitesportsoorte Voortrekkers Walmari Crous ontvang ’n nasionale toekenning as lid van die Wes-Kaapspan. Toutrek Walmari Crous tree op as ’n graad 3-skeidsregter by die Senior-kampioenskappe. Underwater Hockey Ashley Oosthuizen, Isabella de Jager and Gesje Pretorius were selected for the Boland u/15A Team that achieved a 1st place at the Junior Nationals. Emma Koch was a member of the Boland u/19 and the Boland Senior Women’s Teams. Biathle/Triathle Mia van Zyl (dogters o/15) behaal ’n 8ste plek in die Wes Kaap Biathle-kampioenskappe, sowel as ’n 4de plek in die Wes-Kaap Driekamp-kampioenskappe. Sy kwalifiseer om as lid van die Suid-Afrikaanse span aan die Wêreld kampioenskappe deel te neem. Laser Run Mia van Zyl (girls u/15) achieved a 3rd place at the Western Cape Championships and a 10th place at the SA Championships.

Karate Luane du Plessis en Rebecca Shelly behaal ’n 3de plek as lede van die Suid-Afrikaanse span wat aan die Europese kampioenskappe in Italië deelneem. Ritmiese Gimnastiek Tweelingsusters, Megan en Mia Koch, behaal ’n 1ste plek in die WP-kampioenskappe en neem deel aan die SA kampioenskappe in Gauteng, waar hulle goue medaljes verower. Krieket Verne Solomons verteenwoordig die Drakenstein T20 damesspan by die Boland Junior-kampioenskappe en word vir die o/14 Wes-Kaapspan gekies. Cornelia Destroo is lid van die o/19 Boland-krieketspan. Sport Aerobics Almarie Joubert represented Western Province at the South African Sport Aerobics Championships. Shore Angling Melissa Rossouw was selected for the Western Cape Shore Angling u/16 Team which participated in the South African Shore Angling Association Interprovincial Tournament. Canoeing Whitney Appolis achieved a 2nd place at the Western Cape Canoe Union Marathon Championships K2 and a 3rd place at the Western Cape Canoe Union Marathon Championships K1. Aksie-Netbal Mischa du Toit is ’n lid van die o/15 Wes-Kaap Aksie netbalspan. Indoor Hockey Leyla Wagner and Ariana Sassoli represented the Boland Indoor Hockey Team. Marathons Zahné Lubbe and Mrs Cindy McFarlane took part in the Two Oceans Half Marathon . Mrs McFarlane also completed the Otter Trail Run , while Mrs Anmari Davids completed the Gun Run Half Marathon and the Cape Town Marathon . Kultuur Op kulturele gebied vaar die skool uitstekend. We started the year off with our Daisy Concert , where the Grade 8s entertained us with song and dance. Ons koor , onder leiding van me. Madri Gerber, maak ons baie trots by die ATKV-Applous-kompetisie en by die Paarl-Vallei Eisteddfod word hulle as die kategoriewenners aangewys. Anmi Slabbert is ’n lid van die Tygerberg Kinderkoor wat ’n eerste plek by die Hull International Choir Competition behaal. The Con Spirito Chamber Choir with Mr Johannes Schickerling as Choirmaster, was the category winner of both the Paarl Valley Eisteddfod and the Allegretto Eisteddfod . They were also the winners of the S tellenbosch University National Ensemble Competition . The number of learners in our orchestra grew considerably during 2023. They had their first orchestra


La Rochelle Hoër Meisieskool | Girls’ High School


camp on 28 January and made us proud at the Paarl Valley Eisteddfod . We owe Mrs Inge Wittenberg much gratitude for the amazing work she has accomplished. Drama : In March the drama learners went on an outing to the Artscape Theatre in Cape Town to watch the production of ‘ Dreaming Dance in District Six ’. The group that participated at the All Girls’ Festival in Bloemfontein in the production, ‘ Kintsugi: Shining Through the Cracks ’, was placed 2nd overall and Mia Valentine achieved the Best Supporting Actress award at the festival. At the Paarl Valley Eisteddfod , Aimee Farmer and Klara Durr-Behrens were most entertaining and were adjudicated the winners in the English Recitation category. Die Larries neem ook op 15 September aan die Silwervaring Toneelfees deel met ’n heerlike humoristiese produksie, “ Auntie Sosiaal ”. Avanti : Iris Saunders is ’n finalis vir die Beste Nuusberig in Media 24 se Skolenuus-kompetisie van 2022. Musiek : Die volgende leerders is kategoriewenners by die Paarl-Vallei Eisteddfod : Meghan Cupido (Beste Senior Tjello-leerder; Beste Tjello-duet); Elena Kritzinger (Beste Tjello-duet); Erin Meyer en Sophia Malan (Sang). Debat en Redenaars : Lea Prinsloo dring deur na die semi-finale rondte van die ATKV-redenaarskompetisie , terwyl Martinique Meyer aan die streeksfinaal van die Radikale Redenaarskompetisie deelneem. Megan Jansen neem aan die nasionale finale rondte van die Podiumpret-redenaarskompetisie deel en word as die nasionale graad- en kategoriewenner aangewys. As erkenning gaan haar naam op ’n plaatjie in die tuin van die Afrikaanse Taalmonument verskyn! Twee van ons debatspanne neem aan die Con Spirito - debatskompetisie deel. Een junior- en seniorspan neem aan die Dink-of Sink-debatskompetisie van Hoërskool DF Malan deel en ons juniorspan, bestaande uit Paula Jacobs, Anya Carstens en Riané Louw, dring deur na die semi-finaal, nadat hulle al hul debatte gewen het. Debating : Our Debating teams once again took part in the league on Wednesdays in Stellenbosch, where they made us proud. Our Senior A Team, (Zahrah Docrat, Rachel Jewel, Rizia Seria and Damienne Greenhalgh) won all their debates this season. The All Girls ’ Debating Team was placed fourth overall at the festival, with Damienne Greenhalgh ranking 10th in the Individual Speaker category. Public Speaking : Makaziwe Gqiba and Keira Green represented La Rochelle at the All Girls’ Festival with Keira Green placing 1st in the Senior Division. Die volgende dansers presteer goed gedurende die jaar: Ruby Rain Hefer, Jordan Hess, Ysabella Fourie, Almarie Joubert, Ronel Strauss, Summer Hartzenberg, Lara Whatney, Kiera Batts, Skye Hillebrand, Shaan Adams, Celeste de Freitas, Karli Janse van Vuuren en Mia Valentine. On 3 May the French and German Committees collaborated with Paarl Girls’ High School to present a World Languages Night . The Gr. 8s produced very creative ideas at the annual Mardi Gras French Hat Parade and during the annual La Galette des Rois in July, Aimee Farmer was the ‘ Reine du Jour ’.

Dans – Karli Janse van Vuuren


Debating Wetenskapklub

Damienne Greenhalgh

NviroTek Laboratoriums



Elena Kritzinger & Meghan Cupido

Gasvryheid gr 11: Mount Nelson

Radikale Redenaars


Robotics Club

Schulkarneval – German learners


Tygerbergkinderkoor – me. M Gerber & Anmi Slabbert

Mathematics Olympiad

La Rochelle Hoër Meisieskool | Girls’ High School Paarl

Annual Report

Robotics Team in the Western Cape. Explorer Prime Category : Isla Williams, Michaela du Preez and Kendall Fortuin achieved a bronze certificate and ended 40th in the country. Robo Mission – Senior Category: Jana Kriel and Suné Krüger received a bronze certificate, placing them 27th in the country. La Rochelle ranks as the third best high school in Robotics in the Western Cape. The Larries were afforded the opportunity to enrol for the First Aid Levels 1 to 3 Courses and during the year, several blood drives took place for the learners and their parents, thereby making a positive impact on the community. Wellness, Camps, Seminars and Training Sessions

Mev. Heydenrych, me. Amanda Lochner & mev. Elsabé Conradie

Matriekafskeid – Ashanti

Klubs en Verenigings The Outdoor Club explored nature with Ms Annadene Malan. They had a camp on 10 February and then went on hikes to explore the mountains around Paarl and Stellenbosch, while they also hiked up Table Mountain. The Eco-Club went on an outing to an aquaponics farm in Stellenbosch and attended several workshops. In April, in collaboration with the JTC, they undertook a clean-up operation in the Arboretum. Die Filmklub besoek Galileo Nederburg in Maart vir die vertoning van “ Mamma Mia ”. Die Fotografieklub reël verskeie werkswinkels. Die lede sit hand by om al die aktiwiteite by die skool op kamera vas te vang. Dankie aan oudleerder, Gerda Barnard, vir haar bydraes gedurende die jaar. Wetenskapklub : Een van die hoogtepunte is die besoek aan NviroTech in Wellington. Leerders word deur die laboratorium geneem en die prosedures van voedseltoetsing om voedselveiligheid te verseker, is bespreek. Die samestelling van veevoere word ook hier getoets en die Larries word aan al die chemiese stappe bekendgestel. Verskeie werkswinkels waartydens chemiese eksperimente uitgevoer is, is gedoen. Die klublede span saam om vir die juniorgrade ekstraklasse aan te bied, waartydens vraestelle uitgewerk word ter voorbereiding van die toetsreekse en eksamens. Die jaar word afgesluit met ’n genotvolle aand waartydens ’n wetenskaplikakkurate film, “ The Martian ” vertoon is. Interact , soos in die verlede, reik uit na die gemeenskap: Hulle neem, onder andere, paaseiers na Rusoord Ouetehuis se inwoners en personeel; brood vir Monte Christo Miqlat ; klere vir Hospice (Paarl) en toiletware vir Huis Andrew Murray in Wellington. Die geld wat ingesamel is tydens civviesdae word aan verskeie organisasies geskenk. Robotics Club : It was the first year in which the PetalTech Robotics Club participated in Robotics competitions. We entered the First Lego League , where we competed in the robotics challenges, as well as developed an innovation project. For the latter, learners designed a hologram which can be used to host art exhibitions in under-resourced communities. We also entered three teams in the World Robotics Olympiad , where we obtained the following results: Explorer Prime Category : Isra Moerat, Hanaan Gaffoor and Farynn Cupido received a silver certificate and were placed 25th in the country. They were the number one High School

Die jaar skop af met die gr. 8’s se Daisy-kamp. Al die gr. 8’s slaap in die koshuis oor, waar hulle mekaar beter leer ken. Hulle woon lesings by, dans, beoefen atletiek en swem en vorm sommer ’n hegte band. Die kamp word afgesluit met die Daisy-en-Milady-piekniek saam met die nuwe gr. 8-ouers. The Ignite learners enjoyed their annual seminar at Karmel, Franschhoek from 20 – 22 January. Thank you to Mrs Shanje Maree and Sarah and Dewaldt Scholtz for their leadership and inspiration. Die tema van die gr. 11’s se kamp in Kleinmond is “ Survivor ”. Die doel van die spanbou-sessies oor die twee dae is om die Larries vir hul matriekjaar in 2024 voor te berei, asook om ’n groepsgevoel te vestig. The Grade 9 Camp was held in the beautiful mountains at the Mispah Campsite near Grabouw. Activities included team building, getting to know one another better and going on a hike. Spesiale tradisies Die baadjie- en pêrelseremonie vind op 31 Januarie plaas. Die Daisies ontvang hul baadjies van hulle Miladies en die matrieks ontvang ’n stelletjie pêreloorbelle vanaf die skool. Dit is slegs die matrieks se voorreg om pêreloorbelle saam met hulle skoolklere te mag dra. The Daisy and Milady Fruit Festival was once again a day filled with fun and laughter and the Grade 8s did not disappoint with their creative costumes. Die Opedag vind op 15 Februarie plaas en ons het weer eens besef dat ons trotse leerders ons beste bemarkers is. Dankie aan almal wat as toergidse opgetree het. We commemorated Founders’ Day on 10 August 2023 and celebrated 163 years of excellence. Glansgeleenthede Beide die gr. 11-winterbal en die gr. 10-dans vind in die skoolsaal plaas. Die Pa- en dogteraand is baie prettig en die pa’s stel weer eens nie teleur met hulle prettige uitrustings vir die tema “ A Blast from the Past ” nie! Die Matriekafskeid vind by Ashanti plaas en die matriekleerders lyk pragtig en stylvol. Dankie aan mevv. Tanya Bertoncello en Anneke Scheepers, asook mnr. Stephan Swart vir hulle waardevolle insette.

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La Rochelle Hoër Meisieskool | Girls’ High School


Thank you to the Jack Meyer Art Centre and Frank Petersen Music Centre for their partnerships with La Rochelle. Ons is baie dank aan mnr. James Genis, kringbestuurder van Kring 8, verskuldig. Sy leiding en wysheid is van onskatbare waarde. The officials of the WCED, Mr Brent Walters, Ms Jeanette Harker and their staff who always offer their services. Dankie aan die Skoolbeheerliggaam vir hulle ongelooflike ondersteuning. Dankie aan mev. Leslee Durr vir haar leiding as voorsitter, mnr. Stiaan van der Westhuizen (tesourier), mnr. Francois Pieters (ondervoorsitter), mnr. Adriano Bertoncello (fasiliteite en onderhoud), mnr. Riel Malan (IT), mnr. Ewan Abrahams (sport), me. Nadene van Aswegen (akademie en welstand), mnr. Bradley Greenhalgh (beleide), mev. Karin Leibbrandt (bemarking), mev. Sonnet Vorster (koshuis) en mnre. Cristiano Sassoli en Sarel Rossouw wat by verskeie projekte betrokke was. Dankie aan die koshuispersoneel wat uit hulle pad gaan om in die koshuis ’n huislike atmosfeer te skep. Mevv. Sonnet Vorster (superindendent), Lida Hendrikse (bestuurder), me. Adéle Bothma en hulle hele span, is ware staatmakers. Dankie aan die Feedem-span vir die lekker kos – die Larries sien uit na elke ete en wonder watter bederf daar vir hulle wag! Thank you to Mrs Karelien Venter, Chairperson of the Old Girls’ Union, for making sure that we stay in touch with our old girls and for organising and co-ordinating the reunions. Baie dankie aan mev. Bonita Koch, voorsitter van die OOV, wat saam met haar span vir ons bystaan en ondersteun. ’n Spesiale groot dankie vir julle bydrae om die La Rochelle gholfdag ’n reuse sukses te maak. Ons kan nie ’n dag sonder mnr.

La Rochelle se Feedem -spysenieringspan dring weer, vir die vierde jaar, deur na die finale rondte van die Feedem Nasionale Kulinêre Vaardigheidskompetisie wat by Leopard’s Leap plaasvind. Hulle is een van slegs agt spanne wat kwalifiseer en dit is voorwaar ’n groot prestasie. The annual Farewell Hostel Dinner for the Matrics took place on 10 October. The Study Hall looked magnificent, while Feedem served an impressive three-course meal. Die Kamerkonsert vind op 16 Mei in die skoolsaal plaas, waar ons musiekleerders ons siele met pragtige musiek voed. In Augustus bring die Larries ’n verwerkte musiekblyspel weergawe van die bekende film, “ Dirty Dancing ” , op die planke. Met Iris Saunders (gr. 12) as Baby , Johré Blommetjies (gr. 12) as Penny en Cleto van Rooi (gr. 12 – HJS), bou La Rochelle voort om voortreflike produksies in die Wynlande aan te bied. The Larries shared the stage with boys from Paarl Boys’ High, Paarl Gymnasium, Boland Landbou, Wellington College, Labori High School and Noorder-Paarl Secondary School. Die voorbereiding en repetisies neem reeds in November 2022 ’n aanvang, en ons is baie trots op die talentvolle Larries wat deelneem. The Culture Showcase that took place on 16 October at the Old Tannery in Wellington was an unforgettable evening of outstanding performances. The event was a true testament to the talent and dedication of all those involved. The musicians, Choir and Con Spirito Chamber Choir showcased their exceptional skills, filling the air with enchanting melodies and the Drama learners had us spellbound with their performances. Die Ma-en-dogtertee , met Méla Botha as gasspreker (oudleerder en Onderhoofmeisie 2021), se tema was “ Positivy-Tea ”. Die ma’s en dogters dra kleurvol by tot die oggend met hulle kreatiewe verfversierings van koffiebekers. The annual Grade 11 Hospitality Studies High Tea

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and Grade 10 Hospitality Studies Breakfast were hosted in the Learning Centre once again. Bedankings I wish to express my heartfelt gratitude and appreciation to everyone who has contributed to the growth and success of our school community. It has been a year filled with challenges and triumphs and I am proud of what we have achieved together. Dankie aan juffrouens Amanda Lochner en Johanna Heydenrych (née Longland) vir hul voortgesette ondersteuning. Dankie aan Drakentein Munisipaliteit vir hul goeie diens en bystand met die elektrisiteitsprojek by die skool.

Peter Whitmore en sy raakvatspan nie. Dankie dat julle altyd met ’n glimlag die ekstra myl stap. Ons waardeer julle. Dankie ook aan ons administratiewe personeel: mev. Elizabeth Ulyate by finansies en mevv. Nita Volschenk en Marian Neethling by ontvangs. Julle bly altyd geduldig met ons wanneer ons nou dadelik en op die nippertjie iets benodig. A special word of thank you to the School Management Team, for their unwavering dedication to ensure that the journey upon which La Rochelle Girls’ High School embarked this year, was filled with opportunities and support.

In conclusion In the words of Albert Einstein: ‘ The only source of knowledge is experience ’. This quote reminds us that it is through the experiences we share, the lessons we learn, and the bonds we form that we truly grow and thrive. Together, we have created a vibrant and nurturing environment for our learners to gain knowledge and

experience that will serve them well in their future endeavours. We will continue to build a legacy of excellence and inspire the next generation of leaders, thinkers, and doers. Larrie greetings

Mrs Elsabé Conradie

La Rochelle Hoër Meisieskool | Girls’ High School Paarl

School Governing Body

Dr. Bradley Greenhalgh

Me. Nadene van Aswegen

Mev. Elsabé Conradie

Mev. Karin Leibbrandt

Mev. Leslee Durr

Mev. Nita Volschenk

Mev. Sonett Vorster

Mnr. Francois Pieters

Mnr. Stiaan van der Merwe

Mr Cristiano Sassoli

Mr Ewen Abrahams

Johrè Blommetjies

Jessica Eckhardt

Rizia Seria

Mnr. Adriano Bertoncello

Mnr. Riel Malan

Mnr. Sarel Rossouw

organisation of offices and the staffroom; creation of a new position: Head of Culture; upgrade to fibre high speed internet; touch-screen Chrome Books; paving and finishes at Du Toit Street Sports Grounds and the swimming pool paving. Two new committees were formed around critical expansion projects: Electrical Infrastructure A complete overhaul of the electrical infrastructure of the school was done, to keep both the lights on during the challenging load-shedding times, as well as future-proof our institution. The consolidation of all the electrical supply to the whole campus was instituted – including the school, hostel, En Avant Centre, Navarre and Clubhouse buildings, as well as the Du Toit Street Sports Grounds. These are now fed from a new main bulk supply point, supported by both a new generator and the existing solar panel system, with a new underground cable network, which enables us to use electricity most effectively where needed. Planning Expansion The planning, design and procurement of permission for the very exciting new classroom project – building nine state-of the-art classrooms on top of the existing music block – have begun in earnest. A dedicated planning project manager was appointed and the architectural firm, AD3 Architects , won the submission. Engineers have been appointed for all the aspects and the complete proposal has been submitted to Council. We are ready to get this project off the ground! The SGB has also been monitoring developments around the BELA Bill , which affects the responsibilities of SGBs. We support the concept of a truly public school and will be collaborating closely with other schools to safeguard our independence, where necessary. I would like to thank all the hard-working members of the School Governing Body, parents and teachers who give so willingly of their time and energy, to support a world-class education for our daughters and future generations of young women. En Avant for the next 163 years!

La Rochelle’s 163rd year has been another excellent one! Our school has done our whole community proud on so many levels in 2023. From a governance perspective, the focus this year has been on planning, consolidation and strengthening the foundations of LAR. To this end the SGB has worked on building a solid framework for the future, to enable our school to give the learners the best quality education possible and to empower them to become responsible citizens on the international stage. This includes academic excellence, enhanced mental health through wellness programmes and the best possible infrastructure to facilitate sport and culture, supported by reliable services such as Wi-Fi and electricity. Governance Review The SGB reviewed governance by re-working and evaluating all the important policies underpinning the work of ‘educating for the future’. The policies which were reviewed included the Code of Conduct and Constitution of both the school and the SGB, Academic support, Admissions, IT, Wellness, Language, Financial as well as Religious Observance policies. Financial Governance was overhauled with the appointment of new auditors, the expansion of the financial policy and the development of reformed management procedures to the exacting standards of the WCED. A legal and operational review and re-organisation of the LAR and En Avant Trusts have been undertaken, for both these structures to better serve the school. SGB Committees The nine SGB Sub-Committees are Finance, IT, Academics, Facilities & Maintenance, Culture, Sport, Hostel, Marketing and Wellness. These focussed committees, comprising parents, teachers, support staff and learners once again proved very successful. Not only could effective strategies be developed, but various projects were actioned. Some of the highlights include the upgrade and re

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Mrs Leslee Durr


La Rochelle Hoër Meisieskool | Girls’ High School

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