La Rochelle 2020
head girl
In 2016 we – an entire group of strangers – stood before these big, burly gates surrounding us. These strangers, would in the course of the next five years, become sisters.
One thing I have learnt about high school is that you simply cannot go it alone. Neither stability, success nor general survival is
attained alone. There were several factors that have contributed to our success through some
of the most daunting and taxing years. Today, we say thank you. To our parents: What is life without a guardian
who cares for you and loves you? Who stays up with you until the early morning hours while you are studying, who is present for every match, meeting and performance? Who holds you tightly and wipes your tears when things become too much? We have been unbelievably and irrefutably blessed and favoured in this world when God ordained you as our guardians. The most honourable profession this world will ever know is education. A teacher moulds, influences and affects the next chapter of South Africa through the lives and sincere in all they do. Men and women worthy of serving their country. You have embodied the definition of role-models. You have invested your precious time, energy and great patience in each of your children. You have continuously pushed us to reach hidden potentials and, for this, we say thank you. of the students they touch. Thank you for sending into this world empowered men and women who strive to be trustworthy, honest To our beloved principal, Ms Lochner: You truly govern with wisdom, while simultaneously radiating kindness, empathy and compassion. You are the matriarch of our Larrie family, and it has been most splendid watching you lead.
When the road has seemed too long and the point of all has come into question, it has been our Lord’s grace and mercy that has carried us thus far and will continue carrying us. It is through Him alone that we remain standing, regardless of these trying circumstances and so, we thank the most important factor: We thank God. My dearest Larrie sisters: You have been equipped
with a brilliant and incomparable set of skills. My prayer for you is that you go into this world and shine your fabulous light on all you meet. That you may conquer every obstacle and achieve every goal. My love for you is ocean deep and mountain high. May you be ever blessed. En Avant .
2020 | 160 • 77
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