La Rochelle 2020
ALLISON VAN WYK – Certificate for progress in Athletics in G15 Javelin MEGAN YELVERTON – Sertifikaat vir Entoesiasme en Toewyding in Atletiek in D14 Diskus INGE VAN DER ROSS – Certificate for Enthusiasm and Dedication in Athletics in G17 High Jump EMMILIE MARTIN – Sertifikaat vir Entoesiasme, Toewyding en Vordering in Atletiek in D15 Naellope en Spiesgooi HELEN PRINSLOO – Sertifikaat vir Toewyding, Entoesiasme en Belowende atleet in D15 Middelafstande BRIE SEPTEMBER – Sertifikaat vir Entoesiasme en Toewyding in Atletiek in D14 Naellope THABISA YEKANI – Certificate for Enthusiasm, Dedication and Leadership in Athletics at the High Jump MARLI DREYER – Sertifikaat vir Toewyding, Entoesiasme, Vordering en Leierskap in Atletiek by die Middelafstande BELLAMY KRUGER – Sertifikaat vir Toewyding, Deursettingsvermoë en Vordering in Atletiek in D19 Middelafstande EMILY WILLIAMS – Sertifikaat vir Toewyding, Entoesiasme en Vordering in Atletiek in D15 Naellope ZENADE OCTOBER – Certificate for Enthusiasm and Dedication in Athletics in the G17 Middle Distances SHAMIRA TITUS – Certificate for Enthusiasm, Dedication and Progress in Athletics in G17 Triple Jump and 800m CASSANDRA MALGAS – Certificate for Enthusiasm, Dedication & Progress in Athletics in G17 Sprints JODY JAMES – Certificate for Enthusiasm, Dedication & Progress in Athletics in G17 Sprints ALANA THERON – Certificate for Dedication in Athletics in G17 High Jump and Hurdles DANÉ KENNY – Sertifikaat vir Entoesiasme, Toewyding en Vordering in Atletiek by D17 Diskus DANEL DREYER – Sertifikaat vir Toewyding, Deursettingsvermoë en vordering in Atletiek in D19 Gewigstoot en Diskus DANELLE VENTER – Sertifikaat vir Leierskap en Entoesiasme in Atletiek by Spronge. Sertifikaat vir Toewyding & Veelsydigheid in Atletiek: D19 Verspring, Driesprong en 100m Hekkies. JANKE OOSTHUIZEN – Sertifikaat vir Leierskap in Atletiek by die Diskus, asook Onder-Kaptein van die seëvierende 4M-span in 2020 HANA SULLIVAN – Certificate for Leadership in Athletics at the Shot put
SHANI BOTHA – Sertifikaat vir Leierskap en Entoesiasme in Atletiek by Spronge ROBYNN FERREIRA – Certificate for Enthusiasm, Dedication and Progress in Athletics in Sprints, Hurdles and Triple Jump MILAN HORN – Certificate for Enthusiasm and Dedication in Athletics in Sprints and Hurdles JAMIE-LEIGH OLIPHANT – Certificate for Enthusiasm, Dedication and Progress in Athletics in Sprints ZOË WILLIAMS – Certificate for Enthusiasm, Dedication and Progress in Athletics in Sprints NIKKI SCHONKEN – Sertifikaat vir leierskap in Atletiek by Spiesgooi TONET TALLIE – Certificate for Enthusiasm and Dedication in Athletics in Sprints, Hurdles and Pole Vault
KIERA-LEE ABRAHAMS – Certificate for Enthusiasm, Dedication and Progress in Athletics in Sprints, Hurdles and Long Jump LEILA VAN AARDE – Sertifikaat vir Entoesiasme en Toewyding in Atletiek in Naellope en Hekkies AMOR NELL – Sertifikaat vir Toewyding, Entoesiasme en Vordering in Atletiek in Spiesgooi BRENDA DU TOIT – Sertifikaat vir
Entoesiasme, Leierskap en Toewyding in Atletiek
in Naellope, Hekkies en
Verspring ELKE VAN DER WESTHUIZEN – Sertifikaat vir Toewyding, Deursettingsvermoë, Entoesiasme en Leierskap as Atletiekkaptein van die seëvierende 4M-span in 2020
Prestasiesertifikaat vir lid van die Top 15 Twizza-span AMOR NELL Spiesgooi BRENDA DU TOIT 400mH, Verspring ELKE VD WESTHUIZEN 200m, 400m
Achievement certificate for member of the Twizza Top 15 team ALANA THERON High Jump ZENADE OCTOBER 800m, 400m SHAMIRA TITUS 800m, Triple Jump JODY JAMES 200m, 100m CASSANDRA MALGAS 100m JAMIE-LEIGH OLIPHANT 100m, 200m ZOË WILLIAMS 200m, 100m
TONET TALLIE 400mH, 100mH MILAN HORN 400mH, 100mH
2020 | 160 • 55
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