COVER CROPS in South African Vineyards
Cultivar and management Cover-crop trials were conducted over twelve years in a vineyard of Chardonnay grafted on Richter 99.The vines were trained on a seven-strand double lengthened Perold trellis system. Grapevines were spaced 1.2 metres
apart in rows spaced 2.75 metres apart. Where else do these results apply?
The site was chosen to represent the region, and the soil was comparable to those of most of the wine- and table-grape plantings in the Breede River valley. The results also apply to grapevines cultivated on sandy clay loam soils in other regions. Results from the Breede River valley trials can be used to guide table-grape producers in the Hex River valley, which has a similar climate. Cover-crop selection . .................................................... p53 Winter-growing weeds that can be used as cover crops . ........... p72 Creeping saltbush ( Atriplex semibaccata )................................. p75 Weed control . ............................................................. p99 Effect of cover crops on water use . ...................................p120 Effect of cover crops on soil carbon and minerals . .................p125 Effect of cover crops on grapevine nutrition and performance . .............................................................p141 Snails . ......................................................................p167 Ants and mealy bugs .....................................................p169 Sowing dates and irrigation .............................................p180 Where to find details of trials in this region
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