Boishaaier 2018
Danté de la Donne Deputy Head Boy 2019
Emile Scriba Head Boy 2019
Julle is lewende bewyse dat sterk manne sterk wortels het.
Intreeboodskap van Hoofseun 2019
And let me remind you: if you are willing to fight for it, things do get better. BETTER IS GOOD. That is the history of progress in our country. Not being perfect – that is not possible – but striving to be better. Aan die matrieks van 2018: Julle is lewende bewyse dat sterk manne sterk wortels het. Wortels gegrond in waardes en tradisies, wat julle toegelaat het om nuwe hoogtes te bereik. Hulle sê die hoogste bome vang die sterkste wind, maar soos meneer Swart al vele kere gesê het: “Sê vir ’n Boishaaier hy kan nie, en hy is op sy gevaarlikste.” Al het julle Interskole gewen, is dit beslis nie die enigste aspek wat julle suksesvol gemaak het nie. Julle karakter en geloof in mekaar en die skool het ’n stewige fondasie gelê vir die volgende 150 jaar en ons as ’n skool is ewig dankbaar daarvoor. Aan die matrieks van 2019: Let us build on this foundation, laid by the very names we see on these walls. Let us embrace the responsibility of starting a new chapter in this institution and continue this journey we are on. The journey to become what we were meant to be. To become fearless men living limitless lives all in the knowledge that the giant in front of us will never be bigger than the God who lives in us.
Then to the whole Boys’ High family – I would like to end with the following extract from the poem “IF” by Rudyard Kipling: If you can keep your head - when all about you are losing theirs, And blaming it on you ... If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you ... But make allowance for their doubting too ... If you can dream – and not make dreams your master .... If you can think – and not make thoughts your aim ... If you can talk with crowds
“Once you become fearless, life becomes limitless.”
A saying that made me wonder: What is fearlessness? Many would say that it is the absence of fear, but I tend to differ. For everyone fears something, be it spiders, mother-in-laws or even death. This by definition makes everyone fearful.
So, how can one be fearless then? Simply by knowing your source of strength.
Dawid sê so mooi in Psalm 121: “Ek slaan my oë op na die berge, waar sal my hulp vandaan kom? My hulp is van die Here wat hemel en aarde gemaak het ...” Sien, Dawid het geweet sy krag is nie sy eie nie en dit het van hom ’n vreeslose man gemaak. He became fearless through God, there fore his life became limitless. If we as a school can grasp this principle, nothing will stand in our way as we fearlessly march forward into the next 150 years. We will face new challenges on this journey and maybe even fall once or twice, but let us never forget that if our God is for us, nothing can stand against us. Let us learn from our mistakes in the past and enter this new era with a fearlessness in our hearts, knowing where our strength comes from.
and keep your virtue ... Or walk with Kings – nor lose the common touch ...
If you can fill the unforgiving minute with sixty seconds worth of distance run .... Yours is the earth and everything that’s in it, And which is more – you’ll be a MAN, my son.
BOISHAAIER 2018 / Intreeboodskap van Hoofseun 2019
Come 2019 ... we are ready ... Tandem Fit Arbor Surculus.
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