Boishaaier 2018

Then came matric and what a year it’s been!

Boodskap van Hoofseun 2018

Ek kan nie glo hierdie dag het aangebreek nie. Ek gaan eerlik wees: Daar was kere wat ons gewens het hy kom vroeër, maar hoe nader ons gekom het, hoe verder wou ons wees. Ek onthou 2014 se uitstapdag: Ek en Seppie het daar heel agter teen die deur gesit en die wapen opgehou vir die matrieks om deur te stap, party met oë vol trane, en toe my broer verbykom toe is ek self na aan meegee. Dit was vir my te veel emosies om te hanteer, maar dit was nog in die dae wat ons te hard was om te huil. Gelukkig is daardie dae verby. This was by far the hardest speech I’ve ever had to write. I mean there are some people here that have been together since preprimary; how does one just walk away from that? I came to the decision that I’ll start by speaking about the future, because if I start with the past and our time here I might not make it till the end. As Boys’ Highers we know we have a certain role to play in the improvement of our country and our world in general and we’ve been taught and trained to aim for greatness and to surpass it when we get there. And for this we’ll be forever grateful, but to be honest I don’t think what we need are more great men. What we need are more good men. You don’t have to be a billionaire, a Springbok or a president to change the world. If that is your destiny, however, by all means go for it. (Neo, we’re all voting for you.) But if our Grade for instance could deliver 160 good men or a few great men, I’ll choose the 160 every day. A good man who cares for those around him, sacrifices himself for the benefit of those he loves. That is what our world needs, what our world craves, and what I truly believe Boys’ High teaches. So whatever you decide to do with your life, wherever you end up, be a good man, because if not to enrich the lives of those around you, what is the true purpose of life? AAN DIE GRAAD 11’S: Julle tyd aan die bopunt van die leertjie het aangebreek. Die verantwoordelikheid wat daarmee saamkom, is ’n ongelooflike eer en voorreg. Dit is nou julle taak om die tradisies wat ons maak wie ons is, voort te

sit en te beskerm teen die wêreld daar buite. Streef elke oomblik na die verbetering en bevordering van ons Alma Mater en veg vir die broers gebind aan die wapen. Doen dit en die wapen sal julle onthou. 5 YEARS. How do you capture five years in a single speech – the joy, heartache, camaraderie, anger, love, every single emotion mixed into five years’ worth of memories? I still remember our camp like it was yesterday. Now I know every Grade says this but really, ours was by far the toughest. I remember this one moment we were doing some PT and just for about three seconds the clouds covered the sun dropping the temperature for just a moment to, what was it, like 54 degrees? And together as a group we had to shout, “Dankie, wolke”. And for some reason when we had to shout something no one ever heard us and the clouds were no exception so we had to repeat ourselves. Then Grade 8 was finally over and we stepped to Grade 9. This year had some special moments, the obvious ones being the first win at Grey, Interschools and the unbeaten year, but my best memories from that year were with the under 15E rugby team, better known as the elite squad. We ended the season unbeaten and stood proudly as the best U15E team in the country. Unfortunately there were no world rankings available. Then came Grade 10. Just old enough not to get pushed around and young enough not to have any responsibilities. That year’s Interschools stood out for me. Our age group’s complete dominance was topped off with Carlo’s unbelievable brace on Faure. Then came Grade 11. What’s great about Grade 11 is the bond we form with the matrics while playing with them and then seeing your friends jogging out for our various first teams, and feeling that warm sense of pride knowing that’s your mate. I mean almost every Saturday we heard Attie’s voice shouting, “Daai’s my kamermaat.” Then came matric and what a year it’s been! Many goals were set and many things accomplished, but it didn’t always

go our way. We faced some tough times and our brotherhood was tested, but looking back I wouldn’t change a thing, because it’s these hardships that made our story so extraordinary. This year we gave new meaning to the underdog story and showed the true power that lies behind the pride and passion of our Alma Mater. It’s been a huge honour to have been a part of our 150th year. I will always be thankful for the memories we’ve made and for a year that will live on forever in my heart. It’s been an absolute privilege to have walked beside you and to have called you family. Boys’ High has been my entire life and now it’s come to an end. How does one put into words the emotions that fill our hearts? We started this journey as a bunch of strangers who came to the same place for different reasons and with our own level of expectations regarding what Boys’ High will entail, but what happened over the last five years, the bond that formed is one no 13-year- old boy could’ve ever imagined. If there’s one thing I know for sure it’s that no one can possibly feel about their school the way we do. No one knows what Boys’ High means to a Boys’ Higher and no one who didn’t pass through our walls, fought on our fields, or sang in our guard of blue, will ever know. And that, my dear brothers, is the sacred bond we have the right of calling our own. Today might be our last day of school, but our last day as Boys’ Highers will never come, for we are bound infinitely through our memories by blood to the best institution this world has ever known: the famous blue army. Boys’ High, it’s been a tremendous honour and a privilege to have lived the Boys’ High tale. I’ve never been good with goodbyes so I rather not say it. Just know that this will always be my home and you will always be my brothers. As one now and forever, almighty Boys’ High.

BOISHAAIER 2018 / Boodskap van Hoofseun 2018



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