Boishaaier 2018

“Someone is sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago.” – Warren Buffet OBU Report / OSU-Verslag

150 Gala Dinner : This extravagant event was spearheaded by Danie Malan (past President of the Old Boys’ Union) and assisted by Esmé du Toit who is an employee of the Old Boys’ Union. Various Old Boys donated generously toward costs to make this a truly unique and memorable experience. 150 Book : This project was successfully completed by Danie Malan and past headmaster Mr Louis Knoetze. The Old Boys’ Union assisted with sponsorships, as well as promoting and selling the books to our members. 150 Celebration Auction : This was a historic initiative from the Old Boys’ Union where both schools and the Old Boys’ Union collaborate to host a wonderful event. The Old Boys’ Union organised and co-ordinated the event to the benefit of all parties. Paarl Boys’ High Foundation : The Old Boys’ Union played a supportive role in the formation of the Paarl Boys’ High Foundation. The Foundation will work closely with the Old Boys’ Union and focus on bequests and donations to ensure long-term financial sustainability. Ek wil ook graag vir Danie Malan, baie dankie sê vir die onbaatsugtige taak wat hy tydens hierdie jaar uitgevoer het.

To me, this quote fromWarren Buffet sums up the purpose of the Old Boys’ Union. We aim to continue planting trees for the benefit of those that come after us, because we enjoyed the same privilege from those who came before us. In the light of this, I would like to start off by thanking those who generously gave time, money, skills, wisdom and resources to the benefit of our alma mater. Over the past seven years, I had the privilege to serve under past chairmen William Clift, Rinus van der Sluys and Francois Gerber. I would like to thank them, their respective committees, as well as all those who served before them for the strong foundations they laid for the Old Boys’ Union. I am proud when I look back at 2018 and the role that the Old Boys’ Union played in the 150 year celebrations. Some of the projects in which the Old Boys’ Union participated were: The Museum : This project spanned a couple of years and I would like to thank everybody who contributed in any way to make this project come to life. A special thanks to Danie Malan and Rinus van der Sluys who spearheaded the project and did a fantastic job in the execution. Today we have a modern museum where we can showcase our wonderful history and tradition.

’n Spesiale woord van dank ook aan Esmé du Toit wat ’n enorme bydrae gelewer het tot al die suksesse van 2018. Dankie ook aan Francina van Rhyn en Bea Strüwig vir hulle vriendelikheid en hulpvaardigheid in die Oudstudentekantoor. Dan aan die Oudstudente-Uniekomitee (by name Stephan van der Walt, Werner Spijkerman, Arno Nel, SF du Toit, Botha Warnich, Kobus Uys, Divan Kleynhans, Marius Herholdt en Gideon Rossouw) wat so ruim van hulle tyd en energie gee - aan julle, baie dankie! Looking forward, the Old Boys’ Union is committed to continue to play a supportive role in preserving the heritage of our wonderful school. We would also like to congratulate Mr Derek Swart, Mr Henco Bester and personnel of our wonderful schools for all the achievements that made us proud. Most of all we are proud of the character that you continue to instil in our boys – true Boys’ High gentlemen! Highly honoured, glorious and blessed! Hennie Warnich - Chairman

BOISHAAIER 2018 / OSU-Verslag / OBU Report



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