Boishaaier 2018
Boere-orkes 1920's
Another event of note was the rewriting of history in that Paarl Boys’ High did not lose a single Interschools event in 2018, which contributed all the more to making this a special year. We would like to thank every member of the school community who had contributed to this: parents, Old Boys, sponsors, and of course, the two main
partners in any PBHS project, namely the teachers and the schoolboys who constitute the executive arm of the blue- white-and-blue. Dit sal egter dwaas wees om bloot die euforie van ’n besonderse jaar as enkele fokus te neem. Ons moet natuurlik sensitief wees vir veranderings in ons omgewing en voortydig ’n strategie
daarvoor bepaal. Vanjaar se bedryfsleuse was: Hoër Jongenskool, Paarl, Vandag se leerders, more se leiers. Ons moet besef dat dit baie moeilik volhoubaar gaan wees te midde daarvan dat die see van onderprestasie, middelmatigheid en doodgewoon swak dissipline, waarin eilande soos die HJS sigself bevind, al groter word. We are all going to have to understand that our survival as the Paarl Boys’ High we have all come to cherish and love, will depend heavily on the adherence of every community member to the inherent principles of the organization, namely respect for the self, respect for the fellow planet-dweller, and the acceptance of responsibility for indisciplined actions or, better put: Good behaviour, good scholarship, good sportsmanship. As said, this will not be easy, but, as the old saying goes: Tough times don’t last, tough teams do! And, if there’s one thing our old school has proved for 150 years, it’s that it houses only tough teams! Best wishes for 2019. Tandem Fit Arbor Surculus
BOISHAAIER 2018 / Lectori Salutem / Boodskap van die skoolhoof
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