Boishaaier 2018
Rugby Team 1903
school’s first side. Town clubs such as Welling- ton and Franschhoek took part alongside Paarl Gimnasium, Stellenbosch Gymnasium (later Paul Roos) and Paarl Boys’ High School. The school’s first matches would have been against these predominantly adult teams. In contrast, the Country Shield was a contest for U17 teams. Our boys in blue came into con- tact with other tradition-rich schools such as SACS, Bishops, Rondebosch and Wynberg. The city schools competed for the Country Shield, the winners facing off for the Grand Challenge Shield. Between 1913 and 1924 Boys’ High won the Country Shield nine times and the Grand Challenge three times. The first true Interschool contest against Gim- nasium took place in 1915, although the two schools had previously competed against ech other in the District Cup. The 1921 annual re- ported that “much bickering and soreness” ac- companied these original contests. “Nothing in the rules of the District Cup debarred teachers from playing, and in those days the ‘Gym’ had a decided advantage in that department.” After 1915 only full-time scholars were eligible to play. Up for grabs was the Philips Cup, which Paarl Boys’ High School won outright for the first time in 1921. (The 1915 encounter ended in a draw.) Rugby The first true Interschool contest against Gimnasium took place in 1915. Hannes Visagie (Uittreksel uit HJS 150-gedenkboek)
The first school annual (1908) made it clear that rugby was a firm favourite among the boys right from the start: "Of all the games, however, Football, the favourite winter sport, is the game of the school, and nearly every boy takes part in it. At the beginning of the season, a Shield Team was entered in the name of the school. Several matches were played locally, as well as elsewhere, but we suffered a few defeats and did not obtain possession of the trophy. We also had several other school teams, of which the first acquired a very laudable reputation. Most of our best men, however, played for the Paarl RFC in the country competition. “The following year the school even went on ‘tour’ to the Karoo. A team consisting of players who were making their way upcountry for the holidays, played against the Victoria West side. The yearbook reported that Boys’ High won by ‘the handsome margin of 12 points to 3’. “The District Cup and The Country Shield, what more could we aspire to. Like Alexander of old, ‘we sigh for fresh worlds to conquer’.” (1913) In those days there was a shortage of competi- tion and school first rugby teams played against club rugby teams in the District Cup. The club teams would include a couple of school- boys while a few teachers would augment the
Over the years the Paarl derby has become an important fixture on the calendar – not just for current pupils and their supporters, but also for old boys, town residents and rugby lovers far and wide. Held in the first weekend of August every year, Interschools is the big- gest school-sport event in South Africa. Some 20 000 people descend on the Faure Street grounds and Paarl becomes a divided town as houses and businesses sport their respec- tive team’s colours. To add to the excitement, the first team match is broadcast nationally on the SuperSport television channel as part of the FNB Classic Clashes and later Premier Interschools. On the Friday before the match a capping ceremony takes place. At assembly those boys playing in the first rugby team (and these days also the first hockey team) are presented which a special cap by their fathers. The Big Brag is the name of the geesvang get-togethers held ahead of the match. For the learners it takes place on the Friday morning; the old boys gather in the town hall in the evening to swap war stories from their own Interschools and muse about Boys’ High’s chances of success the following day. Boishaai het ‘n reputasie as ‘n bron van topspel- ers op provinsiale, sowel as nasionale vlak.
BOISHAAIER 2018 / Rugby
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