Boishaaier 2018
Klaskamers langs Auretstraat, beter bekend as “die trein”.
Hierdie klaskamer moes plek maak vir die nuwe skoolsaal. Die “Western Salloon”.
The original Monte Bello was burned down in 1921.
This building currently houses the school museum and Old Boys Union offices. Berlyn hostel was completed in 1908.
The Science class completed in 1912.
Daar was in die verlede nie minder nie as vier pogings om die skool van sy huidige karakter te ontneem. Die eerste poging om met Gimnasium te amalgameer het reeds tydens die stigtingsproses plaasgevind, maar is op 24 Maart 1868 laat vaar. ’n Tweede poging is aan die einde van 1870 en begin 1871 deur ds. Van der Wall aangewend om die “Paarl First Class Public School” met Gimnasium te laat saamsmelt. Hierdie
poging het egter ook misluk vanweë botsende standpunte oor die medium van onderrig en godsdiensonderrig. The fourth attempt at amalgamation occurred in 1970 when a decision was taken to merge Paarl Boys’ High with Paarl Girls’ High. A farm in Southern Paarl, De Nieuwe Plantatie, was acquired as a site for the proposed new school and the planning of the whole project had almost reached the stage of tender
when the idea was abandoned in October 1975. This almost meant the end of the traditions and character of the Paarl Boys’ High School as we know it today. Fortunately, this attempt was also unsuccessful, and we were able to retain our cultural heritage so dearly loved by all.
BOISHAAIER 2018 / History
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