Boishaaier 2024
Intreeboodskap – Hoofseun 2025
Brent Goosen
Geagte mnr Swart, mnr die Seremoniemeester, Eregaste, Personeel, Ouers en my Broers in die Gestreepte Blou Baadjie I am deeply honoured and privileged to be in this position, and I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the rest of the prefects for your support. Your dedication and commitment inspire me, and I am excited for what we will accomplish in the year that lies ahead. Ek is ons Hemelse Vader ewig dankbaar vir die geleentheid waarmee ek geseën is, en ek gee al die glorie en die eer aan Hom, want sonder Hom is ek niks nie. Dan aan my ouers en my broer: dankie vir die pilare wat julle in my lewe is; die ankers wat my standvastig hou en die wind in my seile. Dankie vir jul onwrikbare ondersteuning, liefde en leiding. Julle het my die kernwaardes van die lewe geleer, en julle het altyd in my geglo. Paarl Boys’ High is a beacon of heritage and an emblem of values deeply embedded in the hearts of many. It is, in essence, a living entity, a place where boys are not simply educated but transformed into men who understand that life’s true lessons often lie not in success, but in the quiet perseverance and the steadfast pursuit of honour, and in the strength of unity. Boishaai is ’n instelling wat nie net ’n eeu van uitnemendheid, tradisie en diepgaande broederskap gesien het nie, maar ook gevorm het. Die nalatenskap van hierdie instelling is een wat oor meer as ’n eeu sorgvuldig gebou is; generasies van broers wat al deur hierdie gange voor ons gestap het, en elkeen ’n blywende stempel op die skool se geskiedenis gelaat het. This institution is not just a school; it is a crucible where young men are forged, where character is moulded, where we are equipped to confront the challenges of life with good scholarship, good sportsmanship, and good conduct, and where the essence of respect, discipline and unity becomes the standard. I would like to thank the teachers and staff for your unwavering dedication and your guidance on this journey. Die lesse wat julle ons leer het nie net vir my gevorm nie, maar elke leerder wat hierdie einste terrein teë gekom het, en daarvoor is ons ewig dankbaar. To the class of 2025: one last chapter has been granted to us. It is an opportunity so splendid it feels unique, yet so many legends have stepped foot on these very grounds before us and so many hearts will still turn blue after us. This incredible opportunity is not something that can be quantified or easily explained, but something we must forever cherish. We will build on the legacy that those before us have created, while forging new paths that will inspire those who come after us. This is the almighty Boys’ High. Now and Forever. Tandem Fit Arbor Surculus
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