Boishaaier 2024
ligte te speel en ’n aandwedstryd is altyd iets wat die skool ook na uitsien. Ons behaal ’n goeie oorwinning teen die toerspan: 67 – 0! SACS en Boland Landbou is die laaste twee wedstryde voor winter se Interskole, en albei is wegwedstryde. Die reën word glad nie minder nie, maar die wedstryde gaan voort; nat, swaar velde is aan die orde van die dag. Die goeie oorwinning teen SACS berei ons voor vir die wedstryd teen Boland Landbou maar nie vir die weer nie. Ek kan nie onthou dat ons al ooit in sulke slegte weer gespeel het nie; ons kry sterk winde en swaar reën gelyk! Ná die eerste paar minute is almal vol modder. Die span klim fisiek in en ons wen 12 – 3 op die plaas waar dit gewoonlik selfs met goeie weer moeilik is! Interschools week is exciting as always. I want to congratulate all the U19 teams in particular for their top performances. The Seccies are sublime and would have beaten many first teams on the day. After their victory at Faure they are unbeaten for the season and subsequently the no 1 Seccies team in the country! Well done, boys, on a top season! The first team does not play well and the score reflects that. A determined and well-coached Gim team capitalises on our mistakes and there is huge disappointment as we go down with a heavy score. We shall learn from this and fight back in 2025! Thank you to all our parents, supporters, Old Boys and sponsors for your support in 2024. We always want to make you proud! Thank you to all the Boys’ High coaches for your support and hard work during the year; to the first and second team management teams for always putting the boys and teams first; to all our families for supporting us through the season; and to the extended Boys’ High family and staff for your support throughout the season – we appreciate you! To the team, thank you for the journey and season. We remember the tough times and learn from those, but we also remember the great times, long bus trips and time together. We continue to give glory to God for all our blessings and we trust that God has so much more in store for us as individuals, a team and the school. Remember always to have courage and be brave when the time comes. As coaches, we also continue to grow and so we look forward to the 2025 season. I cannot wait to see you on the side of the field supporting the team. We will always be familia. ETFG!
Frans Malherbe o. 15-Rugbyfees Van 20 tot 25 Maart 2024 het die Hoër Jongenskool Paarl met trots die jaarlikse Frans Malherbe o. 15-Rugbyfees aangebied, ’n belangrike geleentheid wat o. 15-spelers help voorberei vir die komende rugbyseisoen. Vanjaar het 18 skole van regoor Suid-Afrika by ons sportvelde bymekaargekom. Met die klem nie net op kompetisie nie maar ook op sportmangees, kameraadskap en genot was ons doel om hierdie jong atlete geleenthede te bied om hul vaardighede te verfyn en met eweknieë uit verskillende agtergronde te skakel. Die geleentheid het hierdie waardes besonder suksesvol bevorder en jong spelers geïnspireer. Baie dankie aan al die spelers, afrigters en ondersteuners wat bygedra het om hierdie geleentheid onvergeetlik te maak. HJS o. 12-Rugbydag Op 5 September het die Hoër Jongenskool Paarl sy derde o. 12-Rugbydag aangebied en entoesiastiese jong rugbyspelers van 17 plaaslike skole verwelkom. Hierdie geleentheid het as ’n platform gedien vir opkomende talent om hul vaardighede, spangees en spanwerk ten toon te stel. Die passie en toewyding van elke speler het werklik uitgestaan. ’n Groot dankie aan al ons borge vir hul ruim ondersteuning om ’n reusesukses te verseker. Baie geluk aan al die spelers en skole wat deelgeneem en indrukwekkende talent getoon het. Ons sien uit daarna om hierdie jong spelers te sien groei en skitter in die rugbywêreld! South African Schools U18 Test Match at Paarl Boys’ High It was a great privilege for Paarl Boys’ High to welcome the SA Schools Team back to Brug Street. They played a test against France here before, and on this occasion it was against England. They played exceptionally well and won their match. They were followed by Georgia and Ireland. The day was enjoyed by local and visiting spectators alike. Ireland and United Kingdom rugby, hockey and water polo tour, December 2024 It has taken a lot of planning and fundraising, but we are finally almost on our way abroad with 114 Boys’ High tourists! Teams will respectively play four games in the various codes and will visit Ireland, Scotland and England. The itinerary is filled with sightseeing and other exciting activities! We look forward to encountering new cultures and forging new friendships! Thank you to all the parents and touring staff for making this tour possible!
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