Boishaaier 2024


HOËR JONGENSKOOL PAARL SE MISSIE As ’n sentrum van uitnemendheid is dit ons missie om ’n klimaat te skep waarin elke seun sy volle potensiaal op akademiese, kulturele en sportgebied kan verwesenlik. Daarbenewens wil ons getrou bly aan ons drie tradisies van goeie gedrag, goeie leerlingskap en goeie sportmanskap.

PAARL BOYS’ HIGH’S MISSION As a centre of excellence it is our mission to create an environment in which every boy can reach his full potential in the academic, cultural and sporting sphere. We also want to remain loyal to our three traditions of good conduct, good scholarship and good sportsmanship.

Tandem Fit Arbor Surculus


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