Boishaaier 2022
ku lt u ur / c u lt u r e
T h e B l u e p r i n t The Blueprint het onder leiding van Daniël Oosthuizen en sy span in 2022 werklik nuwe hoogtes bereik. Ons het sover hierdie jaar drie digitale uitgawes gepubliseer en die leerders kan met reg baie trots wees op die produk wat hulle ná ure se harde werk gelewer het. Ons neem ook hierdie jaar deel aan die Netwerk 24 Skolenuuskompetisie met nie minder nie as 20 inskrywings!
T h e B l u e P r i n t Agter: Wian van de Vyver, Heinrich Söhnge, Hugo Bruwer, Matthew Lamprecht, Brent Goosen Voor: Reuben Oosthuizen, Daniël Oosthuizen, me E de Wet, Justin de Villiers, James Roberts
different injuries and wounds for each individual winter sport. She gave demonstrations of how wounds must be treated and bound. Procedures for concussions and fractures were also discussed. The learners found it informative and felt more prepared for the winter sports season. The boys showed great dedication under the leadership of Bernard Badenhorst. As second in command, Christiaan Thirion did all the
administration which first-aid students must attend at to the respective sporting events.
F i r s t A i d We have a team of boys assisting with first aid. We make sure that there is a minimum of two first aiders at each sports event. We pair a junior and a senior during such events. The senior can then assist the junior and give the necessary guidance. Anzél Brink offered an injury and wound care course for the boys. In the course she discussed all the
Three learners completed level 1 and level 2 of the first-aid course this year; two more learners completed level 3. The majority of the learners have level 3. We are very proud of our first-aid learners. We applaud them for their hard work and trust that they have grown in their skills this year.
No odhu l p s pan Agter: Krynauw Geldenhuys, Wian van der Vyver, Matthew Lampbrecht, Philip de Bruyn, Keagan Geerlings, Dawid Oelofse, Liam Krasauskas Voor: Juanro Hawley, Bernard Badenhorst, me M Roux, Christiaan Thirion, Pieter Engelbrecht
7 6 BO I SHAA I 1 5 4 Y E AR S
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