Boishaaier 2022
Jaarblad 2022 CSV / SCA
ku lt u ur / c u lt u r e
C S V / S C A In Hoër Jongenskool Paarl is ons bevoorreg om elke Donderdagoggend ’n geleentheid te hê om vir 20 minute in kringe bymekaar te kom. Dit gee die seuns die geleentheid om te gesels oor ons geloof en die vaardighede wat ons in die lewe nodig het om suksesvol te wees. Nico Smit en Deon du Plessis was ons hoofleiers vir 2022 en het uitstekende leiding gegee aan 57 kringleiers. Die 57 seuns het aan die begin van die jaar opleiding ontvang van Vicus Kruger, wat vir hulle raad gegee het in die aanbieding van die lesse asook hoe om hulself in so spesifieke leiersposisie te ontwikkel. arl is ons bevoorreg om elke Donderdagoggend ʼn geleentheid te hê om bymekaar te kom. Dit gee die seuns die geleentheid om te gesels oor ons de wat ons in die lewe odig het om suksesvol te wees. Nico Smit en Deon fleiers vir 2022 en het uitstekende leiding gegee aan 57 kringleiers. Die egin van die jaar opleiding ontvang van Vicus Kruger, wat vir hulle raad eding van die lesse asook hoe om hulself in so spesifieke leiersposisie te w Growth app on the group leaders’ phones that has weekly lessons s well as the verses, questions and challenges for every week. Thus all the ant access to weekly notes directly from their phones.
What do I use my Voice for?; Hands - What does the Bible say about Working and Giving with what we have; Joy - Sharing Joy; Truth - Why it Matters; etc. On Monday 14 March we were privileged to listen to Robert Owens during our assembly. Robert is an inspirational speaker from America who previously worked with the Navy Seals, New York Jets and many more. He also takes part in extreme challenges all over the world. His message to the school was direct and easy to understand. It was an honour to listen to him and we believe that many of the boys could relate to his story. Dinsdag 19 Julie het bykans 60 van ons seuns die Interskole-aanbiddingsaand by Paarl Gimnasium gaan bywoon. Dit was lekker om die week voor Interskole saam die Here se naam te prys en na sprekers te luister wat werklik ’n verskil maak in baie jongmense se lewens. Ons sien uit daarna om volgende jaar die Gimmies by ons te verwelkom. Ons was ook bevoorreg om op Dinsdag 6 September vir mnr Robert Schultheiss en Erik Marais van Gideons Internasionaal te verwelkom. Hulle het met die graad 8-seuns gesels oor Gideons Internasionaal en hoeveel Bybeltjies jaarliks oor die wêreld versprei word. Ons waardeer hul tyd en moeite voorwaar baie en ons glo die Gideons sal in die toekoms nog baie jare hierdie mooi tradisie met Hoër Jongenskool Paarl voortsit.
We also installed a new Growth app on the group leaders’ phones that has weekly lessons uploaded on the app, as well as the verses, questions and challenges for every week. Thus all the group leaders have instant access to weekly notes directly from their phones. It has been an exciting second term packed
full of fun, laughter and learning. Our year started with the theme New Blue: a new perspective and commitment of journeying together as one. In the second term we tackled hard questions like Taking Responsibility for Myself; My Voice - Ons is die Here baie dankbaar vir elke geleentheid wat Hy ons gun om sy woord met die seuns te deel. Dankie aan elke ouer wat gereeld vir ons boodskappe stuur en moeite doen om vir ons te bid. Ons kyk terug na 2022 en besef weer eens alles wat ons het, is net genade. Peter 3:15 - But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. New Growth app we use in SCA. New Growth app we use in SCA.
second term packed full of fun, laughter and learning. Our year started ue: a new perspective and commitment of journeying together as one. In kled hard questions like Taking Responsibility for Myself; My Voice - What Hands - What does the Bible say about Working and Giving with what we Truth - Why it Matters; etc. we were privileged to listen to Robert Owens during our assembly. Robert ker from America who previously worked with the Navy Seals, New York e also takes part in extreme challenges all over the world. His message to nd easy to understand. It was an honour to listen to him and we believe ould relate to his story.
C S V - kr i ng l e i e r s Agter: Wynand Mostert, Tian Vorster, Gysbert Wege, Heinrich Andrag, Robert-John du Preez, Bernhard van Heerden, Van Heerden Pretoroius, Emile Lubbe, Jean Griessel, James du Toit, Jéan Marquard-Sylvester, Albert Kotzé 2de ry: John van Niekerk, Justin de Villiers, Jaden Neethling, Nico Vermeulen, Wium van Tonder, Duncan Griffiths, Reagan de Kock, Johmar Loubser, Stephan Venter, Hein Wilken, Zak Goosen, Lucien du Plessis, Bernhard Badenhorst 1ste ry: Ernst Kirsten, Charles Chordnum, Jamie Kruis, Cleto van Rooi, Kelso van Zyl, Julian Piper, Pauniel Ogadi, Cornel Scholtz, Gerhardus Dixon, Nicolas Oudtshoorn, Joshua van Niekerk, James Roberts, Frans Daniel van der Merwe, Robin Small Voor: Kenneth Janson, Simon Basson, Erwin Meyer, Deon du Plessis, mnr A Blom, Nico Smit, mnr A Meintjes, Zack du Toit, Reece Esau, Liam Minords, Jacques Rossouw
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