Boishaaier 2022
b emark i ng
s t o rme r s v i s i t bo i shaa i
home and going straight into writing their prelim exams. Several teachers travelled through to Stellenbosch during the two weeks of the series for some contact sessions. The premise was to expose the boys writing English, Afrikaans, Maths, Maths Literacy, Geography, Science and History to a few past papers and prepare them (to a degree) to write their exams. It was a valuable experience for the teachers as well as the players and would be an exercise well worth repeating in future. AMP T E L I K E I NWYD I NG VAN D I E ME D I E S E S E N T RUM Net voor Interskole vanjaar het ons ons baie gevorderde
Mediese Sentrum amptelik ingewy. Die Sentrum wat sy ontstaan aan dr. Kobus Uys se inisiatief te danke het, is aan Kobus asook oom Tienie Keiser, wat vir baie jare ons noodhulp by die skool hanteer het, opgedra. ’n Gedenksteen van graniet, geskenk deur William Clift, is teen die muur van die sentrum opgerig. C OMMUN I T Y S U P P O R T The female staff of Paarl Boys’ High School raised funds during the Interschools week to support Ragab Ministries and Straatwerk. Joining the ladies for the outreach handover was Madaleine Lotter from Ragab Ministries.
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