Boishaaier 2020
hê, ons verhoed om ONS jaar te hê, waar ons sweet, bloed, trane, glimlagte oor die jare tot een ongelooflike klimaks sou kom en ons saam op ’n hoogte hier sou laat uitloop. Maar in hierdie droom is ons wakker geruk deur die realiteit. How extremely harsh and depressing that sounds! But that’s life: the pursuit of a dream. Yet the one thing about dreams is they don’t necessarily give you your perfect future, they just guide you to it, if you’re brave enough to follow it, be- cause someday we will catch up. As a kid I dreamt of be- coming a Springbok rugby player, as I got a bit older I wanted to be a mechanic and now I’m going to go study in the field of IT. My dream of a Springbok player was at the time my perfect future, but as time goes on something in the pursuit of that dream led me to the next dream and the next. Dit duur voort vir die res van jou lewe solank jy aanhou droom, ongeag hoeveel keer dit verander; dan weet jy wat dit is om te lewe. Êrens gaan jy ’n droom verwesenlik; of dit die een was wat jy in die begin gehad het of nie, dit gaan die een wees wat jy in daardie oomblik nodig het en wil hê. Terwyl jy so jou drome najaag, moet jy ook onthou dat niks in hierdie wêreld die moeite werd is as jy dit nie met mense deel nie, want jou verhoudings met die mense om jou is al wat gaan oorbly. En dis ook al waar jou nalatenskap eendag gaan voortleef. A lot of people can be jealous of us as Boishaaiers – not for what we own materialistically; people envy the way others love us, how we love each other, the vibes we give and how we carry ourselves so well. And we should never take for granted what this school has given us. Only in a storm can you see the art of the real sailor, only on a battlefield can you see the bravery of a soldier. The cour- age of a simple person can be seen in how he copes with difficult and dangerous situations in life. Every storm and battlefield that have come our way, we’ve charged through and I’ve seen more than enough to know that I can only be grateful and thankful to God for the unforgettable, inde-
scribable five years of my life I could spend with you, my Brothers! Dink net aan tye soos toe Janie vir Jumanga uit die poel uithardloop in graad 8; toe ons met ons eerste toer na Grey die terugvegoorwinning behaal; toe die eerste span in graad 10 teen al die kritiek opstaan om Interskole gemaklik te wen (en dít in die skool se 150ste jaar); toe ons in graad 11 vir Paul Roos pakgee op ons tuisveld met Basjan wat die wedstryd met ’n gebreekte rib speel; in hierdie jaar nog toe ons die Prestige-byeenkoms weer wen en ons daardie hoender vleisgevoel op die pawiljoen kry. Nothing in this huge, unforgiving world can steal these memories and bonds from you. And if ever you should look up and find yourself lost, simply retrace your steps to Val- ley of the Blue, White and Blue forever chanting. We’ll find our way. Goodbyes are only for those who love with their eyes. Be- cause for those who love with heart and soul there is no such thing as separation. May the road rise up to meet you, may the wind be ever at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face and the rain fall softly on your fields. You and I will meet again, when we’re least expecting it. One day in some far-off place, I will recognise your face, I won’t say goodbye, my brothers; for you and I will meet again. And until we meet again, may God hold you in the hollow of his hand. May you go out and change people’s lives for the better as you did mine. We are the mighty Blue Army now and forever more. Tandem Fit Arbor Surculus
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