Boishaaier 2017
Stuart Tait, Le Roux Malan, Adrian Alberts, Armandt Conradie, Louwan Horn, Abner van Reenen Middel: Cullen van der Merwe, Joshua du Preez, Divan Enslin, Luka Ferreira, Cornell Kotzé, MJ Strauss, Eric Myburgh Voor: Mnr. J van Niekerk, mnr. D Swart (skoolhoof), Thaakir Abrahams (k), mnr. S Erasmus (hoofafrigter), Vian Fourie, mnr. E Wolfaardt (afrigter), mnr. R Rust (sportwetenskaplike)
Rugbyafrigters: Sean Erasmus (eerstespanafrigter) Elmo Wolfaardt (eerstespanafrigter) David Sadie (tweedespanafrigter) Conrad Barnard (skopafrigter) Ryno Rust (kondisionering)
Anzel Brink (fisioterapeut) Dr Kobus Uys (spandokter) Tim Goodenough (motiveringsafrigter) Tania Malherbe (voorseisoense hardloop-/atletiekafrigter) Johnny van Niekerk (spanbestuurder)
Familia [fəˈmɪlɪə] (a household or religious community under one head, regarded as a unit – OED online): the best term to describe the Boys’ High 1st and 2nd team of 2018 – a unit that refused to lie down or be average, a community of players from a great school that worked extremely hard to establish their own legacy and give glory to God, all as one Familia. With the team of 2015 and 2016 leaving behind not only a great legacy but also a daunting record to uphold, the team of 2017 knew they would have to work that much harder to achieve their individual and team goals. The fact that many of the 2016 group were in Grade 11 allowed for continuity with regards to our values and ethos as a team. Yet we made sure that we didn’t just follow the 2016 team but rather that we created our own goals and had our own vision of how to approach the new season. Our faith and giving God all the glory remained top of the list when planning. In this year we travelled about 35 000 km for away games and tours, which includes our tour to NZ. We are very proud of all our boys that made Western Province provincial teams. It certainly remains a team effort and no one achieves without the team working hard as a unit. These boys represented not only Paarl Boys’ High and Western Province with aplomb but Adriaan Alberts and Vian Fourie got rewarded even further by being selected for the SA Schools U18 team. All Glory to God. The boys worked hard and deserve every accolade!
Baie dankie aan elke oudstudent en ondersteuner. By St John’s het Charl van Niekerk en die Gauteng Tandem ons op die hande gedra en Charl van den Heever se gasvryheid by Colesberg en dr. Kobus Uys se reëlings by Stilbaai het vir ons baie beteken. Met ons toer na NZ was daar altyd ouers en ondersteuners om ons pad maklik te maak. Enige sportafrigter sal die groot impak van positiewe ouers verstaan. Die ondersteuning van medepersoneellede, mnr. Swart, die senior bestuur en die beheerliggaam is van groot waarde. Mnr. Visagie se bydrae tot die skrumafrigting en sy rol as mentor beteken vir my en elke afrigter baie. To my management team, Elmo, David, Ryno, Anzel, oom Johnny, dr. Kobus Uys, Conrad and Tania: thank you for all the hard work and personal sacrifice to help us reach our goals. Thank you also to all the coaching management’s families for their support. This year was really tough with us being away for most of the season. Aan al die spelers: Dankie, manne, vir die harde werk en opofferings. Staan sterk, wees leiers, en eendag as julle op die stoep sit met julle kinders op julle skote, vertel hulle van die Familia, vertel hulle van “We are David” en vertel hulle hoe God ons as ’n familie en ’n rugbyspan wat elke drie vir Hom gedruk het, geseën het. ETFG!
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