Boishaaier 2017
Ek is nie mal nie en ek is ook nie ‘n idealis nie maar, Monte Bello, vir jou wil ek personifieer ek wil van jou ‘n lewende organisme maak van deure wat oop en toe klap en asem skep storte en waaiers en kaste en gange en kamers wat as jou organe dien ’N GESPREK MET Monte Bello
maar hoe personifiseer mens iets wat klaar uit persone bestaan?
Hallo, Monte Bello, ek weet jy is ‘n gebou maar kan jy my hoor?
Jy was in my jare spesifieke onderwysers Vriende, Juniors, Seniors, gesprekke, musiek en goeie en slegte tye tog 20 jaar terug was jy vir ‘n ander persoon radikaal anders in wese as wie jy nou is
For everyone who says marks don’t matter. I have three words for you. You are wrong! There have been many people who said marks don’t matter. They said Richard Branson and Steve Jobs dropped out of college and went on to become billionaires. Effectively promising us a rich fulfilling life if we believed that marks didn’t matter. But, do you think that those same people have the skills, abilities and vi- sion to create the next Apple or Virgin Group? Would you tell someone who worked hard to get himself out of a situation of poverty that his marks didn’t matter? Would you break his heart by telling him all those late nights were for nothing? There are those that believe that they are special snowflakes, thinking they’ll do well in any subject, but to get into a decent college to study that subject you will need good grades. ek het gekniel voor die sisteem die sekretaresse het my offer geneem twee lokke langs die ore en ‘n meetkundige lyn bo die oë my hare is saam met die ander brokke in ‘n kartonboks met ‘n skêr gebêre en my stille rebellie was onverskrokke ook vergete … SIMSON Jan-Meyer Verhoef – Graad 12B
Monte Bello, jy is ‘n ou siel met baie gesigte en drome en ek wonder soms letterlik hoe baie drome onder jou dak snags ontkiem Dankie, Monte Bello, dat jy agter jou eekhoring krioelende bome oor jou bergagtige stoep ‘n uitsig oor die lewe vir my kon skep en my lief kon maak vir my mede- Monte Bello-gangers
Monte Bello, ek het iets van jou begin voel eers met die einde van my dae hier se gewoel
Jan-Meyer Verhoef – Graad 12B
That might seem unfair to some but that’s reality. Why are we shielding children from the fact that while marks don’t define them they do open a lot of important doors? With good marks you will ensure a successful life for yourself. Why shield them from how the world works? Those little numbers on that piece of paper are not an indication of intelligence but rather dedication and hard work. In an ideal world marks won’t matter, but in a reality that isn’t sunshine and rainbows they do. They don’t define you but don’t say they don’t matter. Don’t make a small deal out of the effort put in by others who fared better at exams. Not everyone is talented so we need to work hard and not listen to some person who says: “Marks don’t matter.” or “You don’t need them.” I know a lot of successful people didn’t
go top colleges but most students who went to those schools became successful in their lives. In the rare chance you are talented it won’t get you anywhere if you don’t have access to a platform to showcase your skills. Top colleges and universities provide you with that platform. They could provide you, a rugby player with countless of opportunities to play and show your talent to the world. Or you, an engineering student with opportunities to show your ingenuity and secure jobs in your future. Saying marks don’t matter is a lie. Believing they are everything and will decide your growth and life is a lie too. Give your best in exams because they do matter. Finally, wouldn’t you rather be someone who has a successful life than some- one who has nothing?
Auden Jacobs – Grade 10C
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