Boishaaier 2017

Kreatiewe Skryfstukke


The canvas is your opportunities, the drawing your story, the pencil your actions and the eraser non-existent. For as long as mankind has existed, humans have experienced the bitter scent of regret, sometimes overwhelming by nature and sometimes manageable. Nevertheless it has always been present. The idea of living your life without being able to not only rectify your mistakes, but completely ultimately stop them from happening in the first place, is a very appealing concept to anyone who has ever made and sort of mistake; so I guess I could just say ‘everyone’. A rather simple concept to help get you through times, where regret is just pounding away at your front door. Is to understand that current regrets were once choices that you yourself favoured, thinking at the time that it was what you wanted to or had to do. Always keeping in mind that there were unfortunately no erasers added to the ‘Life Kit’ that you received on the day that you were born, the drawing that you create tells the story of your life. Each and every little curved line representing a time of your life where you never could have imagined what direction your line would take to next, or how the greater whole would end up looking. But still you carry on drawing. The lines can be thin, neat, well curved or rigid, contributing to a beautiful drawing with which every line is clearly identifiable. But in contrast, one’s pencil can become blunt or the lead might break, resulting in thick, dark, jaggered and unidentifiable shapes that cause confusion and concern. At these times what you need to do is pick up your pencil, sharpen it and just keep drawing. No pencil can last forever and no canvas spreads for miles from side to side. Only one person can draw on your canvas- You. When the day comes that your drawing starts to take shape you will see the greater image behind your life. The millions of experiences and stories that you have lived and their representing lines will form together and produce a work of art that only you can truly understand. You will stand in awe and admire every curve, every shade and splendid colour used because only you understand every detail fully. Do not live in regret, but rather sharpen your pencil and begin drawing again. So that one day you wll face a canvas that you can proudly say you have filled to the very edge.

Carl Landsberg – Grade 12D


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