Boishaaier 2017
REKENINGKUNDE-OLIMPIADE Agter: Daniël du Plessis, Gerard de la Bat Voor:
Gustav Coetzé, me. W Louw, Henry le Roux
TALENT SEARCH OLYMPIAD The Talent Search Olympiad was held at Paarl Boys’ High on 6 March 2017. In this Olympiad skills of computational thinking are tested, which are skills used in subjects like Mathematics, Science, IT and CAT. The goal of this Olympiad is to identify learners with these skills and give them the opportunity to improve and develop these skills. There were thirty- eight Gr 10 and Gr 11 participants in the senior division and fifteen Gr 12’s in the elite division of the talent search. Paarl Boys’ High received nine gold, thirteen silver and twenty-one bronze certificates. PROGRAMMING OLYMPIAD The Programming Olympiad was held 14-19 August 2017. This Olympiad consists out of three rounds, of which the first two rounds are held at the participating schools. In the first round learners may use programming languages like Python, Java, Delphi, Scratch or C++ to answer the set problems. In the second round the programming languages are restricted and only learners who achieved good marks in the first round participate. The final round is restricted to the top ten in the country. Paarl Boys’ High had 41 boys participating in the first round and fifteen went through to the second round. Four gold, two silver and twelve bronze certificates were awarded to Paarl Boys’ High learners in the first round of the Olympiad.
Agter: Erik de la Bat, mnr. N de Vries (organiseerder) Voor: Henry le Roux, Gustav Coetzé
In 2017 het die entrepreneursklub ’n ledetal van 43. Die seuns het ’n entrepreneurslypskool bygewoon wat deur Paarl Mentorvennoot gereël is. Die Snapspel (deels geborg deur Paarl Mentorvennoot) was weer soos in 2016 ’n wondelike ervaring en geleentheid vir die seuns om hul besigheidsvaardighede op die proef te stel deur ’n lugredery- simulasiespel. Die hoogtepunt vir die seuns was die besoek aan HG Molenaar. Stefan Molenaar (oudstudent) het die seuns deur die fabriek vergesel en sy kennis, idees en drome met die seuns gedeel.
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