Boishaaier 2017
Hoofseun 2018
Hoe kan ons verwag dat dinge moet verbeter as ons heeltyd praat oor hoe sleg dit is? Nowadays a positive mindset is the hardest thing to come by, which is exactly the reason why it has such an impact. What this world needs are men who have the courage to stand up against the norm. Obviously it is easier said than done. The bat- tle between positive and negative has been fought in human minds for centuries. Some- how every week begins with negativity which only diminishes around Thursday afternoons. But then the Sunday evening depro strikes and sometimes it strikes on Saturdays round about when the rugby starts. Constant positi vity is needed. The one skill all humans have is the ability to accept a compliment. I’m not saying we all know how to respond, but we all can accept. Instead of playing to the skills of the people around us we tend to break each other down. I don’t know how it started but it is unbelievably hard to stop. Negativity drains a man to the point where his mood becomes a state from which it is very hard to escape. Therefore, do not allow yourself to be drawn into this state, because if there’s no one to make the difference, we can’t expect an im- provement. There’s an old saying that goes: You will never be able to cross the ocean until you have the courage to lose sight of the shore. We can’t build our future if we keep reliving our past. Yes, we have to use our past to guide us away from mistakes, but our past isn’t the most determining factor for our future – we are. We are in the position where the entire country is looking to us as a beacon of hope. So let us choose to radiate a positive attitude. And if anyone disagrees with this abnormal way of being, convince them not with words, but with the absolute joy that comes with change, for change is inevitable and although we do not have control over all the storms in our lives, we still need to steer our boats. To the matrics of 2017: Boishaai has made you who you are. It is nei- ther your abilities nor your achievements, but who you are that makes you a Boishaaier. In a world where everything revolves around change make this the one constant fact in your life. You are going to have to adapt, evolve and grow to survive, but if you find yourself steering away from the direction given to you to reach your destination, know that it is the wrong turn. It is not worth it to give up the values associated with our alma mater for
any materialistic gains, for one day you will be taken from this world and your memory will either fade away along with the value of your early possessions or it will echo for eternity through the corridors that led you into man- hood. If you ever lose sight of what’s impor- tant, you should be able to hear our voices rolling over the valley we call Paarl and thun- dering to wherever you are, for we will always be there - always. Aan die matrieks van 2018: Op die eerste dag van ons graad 8-kamp is daar vir ons gesê dat ons die 150-jaargroep is. Van daardie dag af is ons al verskeie kere deur verskillende mense daaraan herinner en almal het dieselfde boodskap: Moet net nie inter skole verloor nie. Natuurlik is dit belangrik, maar ek weier om dit die enigste maatstaf vir ons sukses te maak. Om werklik as ’n sukses- volle groep bekend te staan sal ons die grond- slag moet lê vir die volgende 150 jaar. Oor die afgelope vier jaar het daar egter by ons die wanpersepsie ontwikkel dat ons spesiaal is en dat alles vir ons gedoen moet word. Om deel te wees van die 2018-matrieks is nie ’n presta- sie waarvoor ons beloon moet word nie. Dit is ’n voorreg, maar meer belangrik, ’n verant- woordelikheid wat op ons skouers rus om die skool reg te grond vir die jare wat voorlê. Ons kan dit egter nie as ’n matriekgroep alleen reg kry nie. Amerika se eerste leuse het gelui: E PLURIBUS UNUM. Out of many, one. Out of 900 boys, one organism. One Boishaai. I would like to leave you with the following: We are the seed of legend. Let 2018 be the year in which we develop into the creatures we were always meant to be. The creatures no worldly scientist will be able to identify, for we will be leaving tracks never yet seen. Making our mark in the history of legends as we keep marching on in the path no one wants to walk, because if not us, then who? Let us not do it for the title of legend but for the idea of a world where being a Boishaaier is the norm, for only then can we say that we were truly successful and claim our spot amongst those whose memory we hear in the ring of our bells, see in the passion on our fields and feel in the bond of our brotherhood. TANDEM FIT ARBOR SURCULUS Gerhard de la Bat
Gerhard de la Bat HOOFSEUN 2018
Brend Spreeth ONDERHOOFSEUN 2018
Ek wil dankie sê aan my ouers wat altyd daar is om my by te staan in moeilike tye, en my broer, wat altyd daar is om my nederig te hou in goeie tye. Dan aan ons Hemelse Vader: My ma sê sy bid al haar lewe lank Efesiërs 2:10 dat die Here haar seuns sal lei na die goeie dade waarvoor Hy hulle bestem het. Ek skat hierdie is die taak waarvoor ek bestem is en ek is dankbaar vir die vertroue wat julle in my geplaas het. Ek sal alles in my vermoë doen om julle nie teleur te stel nie en om die groot skoene wat vir my agtergelaat is, vol te staan. Ek wil graag praat oor een van mnr. Swart se gunstelingsêdinge: “Making a positive differ- ence in a very negative world.” Dit sê basies dat ons as Boishaaiers, of jy ’n skolier, ouer of oudstudent is, deur ons voorbeeld wat deur ons waardesisteem gevorm is, ’n verskil maak. Die een aspek waar ons egter ’n bietjie te kort skiet, is positiwiteit. In die wêreld waarin ons lewe, is dit heelte- mal te maklik om te verval in die algemene negatiewe denkwyse. Dit is die realiteit van ons wêreld en veral van ons land. Ons as Suid- Afrikaners het hierdie ongelooflike vermoë om oor enige iets ’n politieke debat te begin waar dieselfde onderwerp as gister bespreek word met dieselfde steunpunte as vir môre se gesprek. Op die ou end is Sakkie kwaad vir Jan- nie omdat hy vas oortuig is dit was ’n vorentoe aangee, Koos is eintlik die oplossing as bokaf- rigter, Piet se laaste skoot was 200 m verder as Jannie s’n en die ergste van alles is: Sakkie wou net geweet het watter periode is dit volgende.
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