Boishaaier 2017
G. Wes-Kaap Hoërskole Atletiekkampioenskap (Dal Josaphat-stadion, 17-18 Maart 2017) HJS verower 13 medaljes ( 3 goud, 4 silwer en 6 brons). Verder het ons atlete ook 4 vierde plekke, 2 vyfde plekke, 2 sesde plekke en 2 agste plekke behaal. DIE VOLGENDE HJS-ATLETE HET ONDER DIE EERSTE AGT PLEKKE GEKOM. (PUNTE VOLGENS DIE APE-TABELLE ): o. 14 Reece Burger (3) 100 m 11,95 s (e) (710) ( 3de in sy uitdun ) 11,78 s (e) (740) (6) 200 m 24,2 s (h) (700) Jacques de Villiers (1) 100 m-hekkies (84 cm) 14,23 s (e) (830) (3) 300 m-hekkies (84 cm) 41,16 s (e) (720) ( 1e in sy uitdun ) 41,02 s (e) (730)
H. SA Schools Athletics Track and Field Championship for Secondary Schools and LSEN (Kings Park Stadium, Durban, 26-28 March) The four PBHS athletes who represented the Western Cape High Schools team at this meeting did exceptionally well. Curwin Gertse set a new SA Schools record in the 100 m hurdles (84 cm) for boys U15 with a time of 12,84 s (e). After the meeting he was appointed best track athlete of the meeting. Points according to the APE tables. U15 Curwin Gertse (1) 100 m hurdles (84 cm) 12,84 s (e) (960) ( SA Schools record) Relay (4x100 m) (1) 42,15 s ( Member of the Western Cape team ) Luciano Custodio (5) 100 m hurdles (84 cm) 13,92 s (e) (840) (2) (in his heat) 13,03 s (e) (940) Coetzee le Roux ( U14 ) (3) Javelin throw 52,74 m (500) (2) (in his heat) 54,87 m (550) U19 Francois Bruwer (4) 800 m 1:52,90 (780) (2) (in his heat) 1:54,81 (730) Die drie HJS-atlete (van wie een nog o. 15 is) wat die Boland Hoërskoolspan verteenwoordig het, het goeie rekenskap van hulself gegee en soos volg gevaar: (Punte toegeken volgens die APE-tabelle. ) O. 20 MANS Ekhardt vd Watt ( o.19 ) (1) Paalspring 4,80 m (780) Francois Bruwer ( o.19 ) (7) 800 m 1:54,03 (750) O. 18 JEUG Curwin Gertse ( o.15 ) (6) 100 m finaal 11,42 s (e) (760) (Op die o. 15-tabel sou hy 800 punte verdien het.) (3) 100 m semifinaal 11,00 s (e) (810) ( Op die o. 15-tabel sou hy 850 punte verdien het .) (5) 4x100 m-aflos 42,97 s (e) (860) ( lid van Boland Jeugspan ) I. ASA Nasionale Subjeug-, Jeug-, Junior en o. 23-atletiekkampi- oenskap (Groenpuntstadion, 78 April 2017)
Keagan Smith
(4) 100 m-hekkies (84 cm) 14,69 s
(3) Verspring (4) Verspring (1) Spiesgooi (4) Gewigstoot (5) Diskusgooi
5,83 m (610) 5,70 m (580) 54,87 m (550) 15,15 m (790) 40,97 m (630)
Hakeem Kunene Coetzee le Roux
o. 15 Curwin Gertse Luciano Custodio
(1) 100 mhekkies (84 cm) 13,21 s (e) (2) 100 mhekkies (84 cm) 13,22 s (e) (910) (2) 300 mhekkies (84 cm) 37,96 s (e) (910) (910)
Daniel Wildeman
(4) Verspring (4) Driesprong (8) Hoogspring
6,49 m (760) 12,48 m (570) 1,70 m (590)
Joshua Hendricks o. 17 Nathan de Lange José George Renier J v Rensburg
(3) 100 m
11,26 s (e) (770)
(4) 100 mhekkies (84 cm) 15,19 s (e) (800)
(2) Gewigstoot (5) Spiesgooi
15,06 m (730) 54,01 m (510)
o. 19 Francois Bruwer Sabri Jacobs
(2) 800 m
1:54,96 s (e) (730)
(6) 110 mhekkies (99,5 cm) 15,77 s (e) (770) Rudolf v/d Westhuizen (8) 400 mhekkies (91,4 cm) 59,43 s (e) (620)
J. ASA Senior Atletiekkampioenskap (Potchefstroom, 20-22 April 2017) SENIOR MANS Ekhardt vd Watt ( o.19 ) (3) Paalspring
4,90 m (820)
Hy ontvang ’n bronsmedalje.
Thank you to Mr Sidney Bartlett (retired) and Mr Abré van Heerden for keeping record of all the results and reports as well as Mmes Mari Nel and Minette Visagie and Mr Jan Mostert for typing all the reports. Also thank you to Ms Sue Davies and her grounds staff for maintaining the athletics track and field.
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