Boishaaier 2023
First Aid, Boishaai TV & Klankspan
First Aid / Noodhulp 2023
In a world of ever-adapting, high-intensity and physically demanding sport, it is essential to have a team of learners who are ready to lend a helping hand in a time of need. We take considerable pride in our eight first aiders who sacrifice their weekends and sometimes even long hours after school to help in case of emergencies. Seven of our eight learners are currently at the highest qualification school level (First Aid Level 3). The boys take their jobs seriously. Christiaan Thirion is the leader of the team. Each week, once our home
fixtures are confirmed, Christiaan divides his team into pairs and allocates timeslots to make sure that we get the best quality first. He also respects the boys’ own sporting passions and their time to catch up on schoolwork. We are proud of our heroes who work tirelessly throughout the year without always receiving the thanks they deserve. We trust that they are learning and developing their skills to keep Paarl Boys’ High’s name high.
Matt Smith
Noodhulpspan Agter: Dawid Oelofse, Wian van de Vyver, Krynauw Geldenhuys, Diego Zanato Voor: Keagan Geerlings, Pieter Combrink, mnr M Smith, Christiaan Thirion, Pieter Engelbrecht
Philip de Bruyn
Robert Harris
John-Henry Enslin
Sebastian Joubert
Bernard Leicher
Malan Enslin
Boishaai TV Leeroy van Wyk, mnr W van de Merwe, Liam Webster Louw
Ruan Smith
Rynard de Beer
Mnr I Uys
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