A Guide to Grapevine Abnormalities in South Africa - P.G. GOUSSARD

Goussard, P.G., 2012. A Guide to Grapevine Abnor- malities in South Africa: Bacterial diseases – bacterial blight. Wynboer Technical Yearbook 2012, 36 - 38 (in WineLand, October 2012). Goussard, P.G., 2012. A Guide to Grapevine Abnor- malities in South Africa: Bacterial diseases – crown gall. Wynboer Technical Yearbook 2012, 39 - 41 (in Wine- Land, November 2012). Goussard, P.G., 2012. A Guide to Grapevine Abnor- malities in South Africa: Virus and virus-like diseases – fanleaf. Wynboer Technical Yearbook 2012, 42 - 45 (in WineLand, December 2012). Goussard, P.G., 2013. A Guide to Grapevine Abnor- malities in South Africa: Virus and virus-like diseases – leafroll. Wynboer Technical Yearbook 2013, 6 - 11 (in WineLand, January 2013). Goussard, P.G., 2013. A Guide to Grapevine Abnor- malities in South Africa: Virus and virus-like diseases – stem grooving and corky bark ( rugose wood com- plex). Wynboer Technical Yearbook 2013, 12 - 15 (in WineLand, February 2013). Goussard, P.G., 2013. A Guide to Grapevine Abnor- malities in South Africa: Virus and virus-like diseases – Shiraz disease. Wynboer Technical Yearbook 2013, 16 - 20 (in WineLand, March 2013). Goussard, P.G., 2013. A Guide to Grapevine Abnor- malities in South Africa: Virus and virus-like diseases – Shiraz decline. Wynboer Technical Yearbook 2013, 21 - 23 (in WineLand, April 2013). Goussard, P.G., 2013. A Guide to Grapevine Abnor- malities in South Africa: Virus and virus-like diseases – fleck and enation. Wynboer Technical Yearbook 2013, 24 - 26 (in WineLand, May 2013). Goussard, P.G., 2013. A Guide to Grapevine Abnor- malities in South Africa: Virus and virus-like diseases – Aster Yellows. Wynboer Technical Yearbook 2013, 27 - 30 (in WineLand, June 2013). Goussard, P.G., 2013. A Guide to Grapevine Abnor- malities in South Africa: Grapevine pests – phylloxera, margarodes and nematodes. Wynboer Technical Year- book 2013, 31 - 34 (in WineLand, July 2013). Goussard, P.G., 2013. A Guide to Grapevine Abnor- malities in South Africa: Grapevine pests – snout beetles and long-horned grasshoppers. Wynboer Technical Yearbook 2013, 35 - 39 (in WineLand, August 2013). Goussard, P.G., 2013. A Guide to Grapevine Abnor- malities in South Africa: Grapevine pests – mealybug and ants. Wynboer Technical Yearbook 2013, 40 - 43 (in Wineland, September 2013).

Goussard, P.G. & Underhay, J.P., 2004. Leafroll trans- mission and characterisation of infected vines (Caber- net Sauvignon/Richter 99) at Welgevallen experimental farm – a case study. Wynboer Technical Yearbook 2004/5 , 40 - 43 (in WineLand , March 2004). Goussard, P.G. & Bakker, H., 2006. Characterisation of grapevines visually infected with Shiraz disease associated viruses. Wynboer Technical Yearbook 2006 /7 , 64 - 66 (in WineLand , December 2006). Goussard, P.G., 2008. Grape Cultivars for Wine Produc- tion in South Africa. Cheviot Publishing, Greenpoint 8051, South Africa. Goussard, P.G., 2012. A Guide to Grapevine Abnor- malities in South Africa: Background and the impor- tance of reliable plant material. Wynboer Technical Yearbook 2012, 6 - 8 (in WineLand, January 2012). Goussard, P.G., 2012. A Guide to Grapevine Abnor- malities in South Africa: Fungal diseases – oidium. Wynboer Technical Yearbook 2012, 9 - 12 (in WineLand, February 2012). Goussard, P.G., 2012. A Guide to Grapevine Abnor- malities in South Africa: Fungal diseases – downy mil- dew. Wynboer Technical Yearbook 2012, 13 - 16 (in WineLand, March 2012). Goussard, P.G., 2012. A Guide to Grapevine Abnor- malities in South Africa: Fungal diseases – dead-arm disease. Wynboer Technical Yearbook 2012, 17 - 19 (in WineLand, April 2012). Goussard, P.G., 2012. A Guide to Grapevine Abnor- malities in South Africa: Fungal diseases – anthracnose. Wynboer Technical Yearbook 2012, 20 - 21 (in WineLand, May 2012). Goussard, P.G., 2012. A Guide to Grapevine Abnor- malities in South Africa: Fungal diseases – botrytis (grey rot). Wynboer Technical Yearbook 2012, 22 - 24 (in WineLand, June 2012). Goussard, P.G., 2012. A Guide to Grapevine Abnor- malities in South Africa: Fungal diseases – sour rot and blue-green/black moulds. Wynboer Technical Yearbook 2012, 25 - 27 (in WineLand, July 2012). Goussard, P.G., 2012. A Guide to Grapevine Abnor- malities in South Africa: Fungal diseases associated with wood and root rotting/dieback (1). Wynboer Technical Yearbook 2012, 28 - 31 (in WineLand, August 2012). Goussard, P.G., 2012. A Guide to Grapevine Abnor- malities in South Africa: Fungal diseases associated with wood and root rotting/dieback (2). Wynboer Technical Yearbook 2012, 32 - 35 (in WineLand, September 2012).

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